Matematychni Metody Ta Fizyko-Mekhanichni Polya

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Influence of concentrated forces on the interfacial inclusion under the conditions of smooth contact in an inhomogeneous transversely isotropic space2021/12/28
Determination of plate deflections under localized loads2021/12/28
Primary and branched solutions in the problem of approximation of the finite function by modulus of double discrete Fourier transform2021/12/28
Construction of the solutions of the Helmholtz equation in cylindrical system of coordinates in the form of homogeneous polynomials by two biorthogonal systems of functions2021/12/28
Solution of the problem of stress state of closed elastoplastic cylindrical shell with crack in the complex form2021/12/28
Mathematical model for determining the temperature of surface coated with a heat-insulating layer2020/03/30
Optimization of the feet parameters and motion laws of the bipedal walking robot2020/03/30
Analysis of the problem on harmonic waves in elastic body and its h-adaptive finite element approximation2020/03/30
Two-dimensional dynamic problems of the elasticity theory reducing to singular integral equations with non-movable singularities2020/03/30
Maximal accretive and nonnegative extensions of nonnegative linear relation2020/03/30
The peculiarities in contact interaction and wear of thin-walled elements of construction2020/03/30
On the space of open maps of the Cantor set2021/03/30
The influence of concentrated forces and heat sources on the distribution of stresses in the interface of two different transversely isotropic half-spaces2021/03/30
Modeling of deformable thermoelastic thread-like inclusions in isotropic medium2021/03/30
Non-stationary temperature distribution in a thermally insulated concentric cylindrical channel with biomass moving under the influence of rotation of electrically heated helix2021/03/30
Analysis of 3-D problems of dynamic loading of elastic piecewise-homogeneous bodies with internal cracks2021/03/30
Studies of two-dimensional gravitational stresses in anisotropic media based on integral Sherman-type equations2021/03/30
The generalized finite integral transformations method in linear and nonlinear static problems for shallow shells2021/03/30
Determination of static thermoelastic state of layered thermosensitive plate, cylinder and sphere2021/03/30
Temperature fields that do not cause stresses in an inhomogeneous axisymmetric hollow cylinder2021/03/30
Application of the generalized eigenoscillation method for solving the scattering problems on the nanostructures2020/06/29
Thermal stress state of a bimaterial with interface crack filled with compressive fluid2020/06/29
Plane potential field outside the symmetric T-shaped contour2020/06/29
On one representation of generalized holomorphic vector via derivatives of harmonic functions2020/06/29
Effect of surface stresses on the antiplane stress-strain state of thin ribbon-like interphase inclusion2020/06/29
Modeling of heat transfer in composite bodies reinforced with tubes with swirlers through which the twisted liquid heat-transfer agent moves in turbulent regime. II. Model problem2020/06/29
Peculiarities of angular distribution of electromagnetic radiation from the Kerr black hole2020/06/29
Internal and start controls of solutions of the boundary-value problem for parabolic equations with degenerations2020/06/29
On the equilibrium of non-thin cylindrical shells with a dent2020/06/29
Longitudinal shear of anisotropic bimaterial bodies with band inclusions and interfacial cracks2022/12/28