Socio-Ecological Practice Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Information about landscape services affects social network interactions in collaborative landscape adaptation2019/06/01English2
The governance of community gardens as commons and its role in the socio-ecological outcomes of gardening in Austin, Texas, USA2022/11/11English2
How can a junior scholar become engaged in ecopracticology—socio-ecological practice research?2023/10/05English2
When more people throw firewood into a bonfire, the flames rise higher: an appreciation letter to our 2021 reviewers and guest editors2022/03/01English2
“Odyssey” complements “A Biotic View of Land” to bolster the case for a more prominent place for Leopold2022/03/01English1
Transforming air space to place: economic impact analysis for the airport development project of march joint powers authority2022/01/10English1
The potential of nature-based solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from US agriculture2022/08/04English1
Examining fishery common-pool resource problems in the largest lagoon of Southeast Asia through a participatory systems approach2021/06/01English1
Ecosocial compensation of nature-based social values in Turku, South-West Finland2023/08/17English1
Mega-eco projects: a global assessment of large-scale ecological restoration initiatives2023/08/09English1
The ethics of wicked problems: an exegesis2023/01/18English1
Advancing the scholarship and practice of stakeholder engagement in working landscapes: identifying and responding to six key research gaps2023/07/31English1
Ian L. McHarg: an illustrated chronology of his life2019/09/03English1
A bibliometric assessment of the science and practice of blue–green space (BGS): hot spots, lacunae, and opportunities2024/02/21English1
Encouraging research to be ecopracticological, three topical areas will be featured at the SEPR 2024 conference and in two 2025 special SEPR issues2023/11/06English1
Going with the flow? The role of intention in riparian zone management2022/05/23English1
Heat planning in small and medium-sized cities: A collaborative application of PIRS™ for heat in Kent, WA, USA2023/11/14English1
Complex adaptive governance systems: a framework to understand institutions, organizations, and people in socio-ecological systems2022/01/17English1
An appreciation letter to our 2022 reviewers and guest editors2023/02/17English1
The disarming simplicity of wicked problems: The biography of an idea2023/04/06English1
A typology to guide design and assessment of participatory farming research projects2023/04/07English1
Deep decarbonization and renewable energy in the Appalachian Mountains (DDREAM): a socio-ecological systems approach to evaluating ecological governance2019/08/26English1
Use of the McHargian LUSA in agricultural research and decision-making in the age of non-stationarity and big earth observation data2019/08/20English1
Ian L. McHarg: A bibliography2019/08/20English1
Ian McHarg’s confident skill2019/09/13English1
Implementing Aldo Leopold’s ideas through the socio-ecological practice of green burial: Ramsey creek preserve in South Carolina, USA2021/11/03English1
Insights from a novel, user-driven science transfer program for resource management2021/10/05English1
Advancing equity and justice through community science programming in design, construction, and research of a nature-based solution: the Duwamish Floating Wetlands Project2022/10/20English1
From knowledge to action: multi-stakeholder planning for urban climate change adaptation and resilience in the Asia–Pacific2022/10/16English1
How can the USA and China cooperate and learn from each other to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?2022/05/06English1