Irish Theological Quarterly

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Religion after Detraditionalization: Christian Faith in a Post-Secular Europe2005/06/01English17
The Sacrality of Things: An Inquiry into Divine Materiality in the Christian Middle Ages2013/01/18English11
A Tragedy and a Dream: Disability Revisited2013/06/25English8
The Mystical Body of Christ and Communion Ecclesiology: Historical Parallels2005/03/01English8
'The most contentious of terms': Towards a New Understanding of Late Medieval `Popular Religion'2003/09/01English6
Human Experience and Catholic Moral Theology2011/01/10English5
Aquinas on Compassion: Has He Something to Offer Today?2010/04/08English5
Toward a Wider Hospitality: Rethinking Love of Neighbour in Religions of the Book2010/04/08English5
Good News for Children?2011/04/12English5
Psalms 1-50, Vol. 19 Word Biblical Commentary,1983/06/01English5
Capabilities and the Common Good2010/10/07English4
Canon Law and the Mystery of the Church1996/06/01English4
From Collegiality to Synodality: Promise and Limits of Francis’s ‘Listening Primacy’2020/04/27English4
Double-Effect and a Certain Type of Embryotomy1977/12/01English4
Newman and Wittgenstein: The Problem of Certainty1982/06/01English4
Is a Catholic University a Good ‘Idea’? Reflections on Catholic Higher Education from a Newmanian Perspective2015/02/01English3
Rahner and his Critics: Revisiting the Dialogue2003/09/01English3
The Integration of Law and Virtue: Obedience in Aquinas's Moral Theology2002/12/01English3
Beyond Liturgical Inculturation: Transforming the Deep Structures of Faith2004/03/01English3
A Gallican Interlude in Ireland1957/07/01English3
Eucharist, Communion, and Orthopraxis in the Theology of Joseph Ratzinger2013/04/19English3
Cana (Jn. 2:1-12)—The first of his signs or the key to his signs?1980/06/01English3
The Loss of a Sense of Place1989/03/01English3
Narrative Theology and its Uses: A Survey1986/09/01English3
Ethics and the Imagination1986/03/01English3
Theology as Improvisation: Seeking the Unstructured Form of Theology with David Tracy2010/06/30English3
The Transforming Power of Vulnerability2013/06/25English3
The Legislation of the Synod of Thurles, 18501959/06/01English3
History and Meaning in Lonergan's Approach to Theological Method1973/06/01English3
Sergii Bulgakov and the Task of Theology2009/07/06English3