Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Commentary on: Clinical psychological diagnosis in children and adolescents: challenges and recommendations of consultants in clinical psychology2019/06/2815
Fregoli syndrome2018/09/282
Factorial validity, measurement invariance and concurrent validity of Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in a sample of Polish undergraduate students2020/04/302
Psychological difficulties, social support and stress management in parents of children with cancer2016/03/311
Zalety i wady szwedzkiego krajowego programu zapobiegania samobójstwom z 2008 roku2015/12/311
Adult suicidal risk scales in the practice of the clinical psychologist and psychiatrist: review of available tools2018/06/291
Non-suicidal self-injury vs. suicidal behaviour disorder2018/06/291
Emotional labour in medical professions. Review of literature from the period 2010–20172018/06/291
Internalising problems and borderline personality features as mediators of the link between traumatic experiences and antisocial behaviours in delinquent adolescents2019/02/201
Struktura czynnikowa Skali Przeżyć Dysocjacyjnych: włoska wersja skali DES-II2015/04/301
Diagnoza funkcji wykonawczych u dzieci2014/06/301
Młody Polak po doświadczeniach wojennych. Siła transgeneracyjnej transmisji traumy2014/06/301
Kompleksowa opieka nad dzieckiem z zespołem stresu pourazowego2014/06/301
Badanie zachowań seksualnych dzieci i młodzieży – problemy etyczne i metodologiczne2014/06/301
The measurement of the symptoms of ADHD in the NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale for Parent (VADPRS) and for Teacher (VADTRS)2014/12/301
Borderline personality disorder in ICD-11 and DSM-5 – the relational nature of the criteria for the disorder2022/12/301
Co-occurrence of depressive disorders and cardiovascular diseases – selected aspects2020/11/301
Mental health during COVID-19 pandemic – a literature review2020/11/301
Nutritional versus behavioural intervention in children with avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder2021/05/311
Emotional and cognitive representation of COVID-19 among Polish adults during the peak of the second wave of the pandemic2021/11/101
The sense of meaning of life as a factor protecting lower-secondary school youth against the fear of missing out2019/12/311
Potential interaction-related toxicity of clozapine2015/07/311
Early maladaptive schemas, parental attitudes and temperament, and the evolution of borderline and avoidant personality features – the search for interdependencies2018/03/291
Evidence-based practice guideline for the treatment of adult patients with depressive disorders. Part I: Psychiatric management2018/09/281
Commentary on: The Bergen Study Addiction Scale: psychometric properties ofthe Italian version. A pilot study. Theoretical and methodological issues in the research on study addiction with relevance to the debate on conceptualising behavioural addictions2018/09/281
Negative and positive effects of the experienced trauma – the role of rumination2016/09/301
Venlafaxine in divided doses – a case report2015/04/301
The Polish version of the Abbreviated Mental Test Score (AMTS) – methodology issues2017/09/291
Psychiatric adverse effects of chloroquine2017/06/301
Loneliness and Internet addiction of Polish adolescents2017/06/301