Patient Education and Counseling

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Patients’ perceived barriers to active self-management of chronic conditions2005/06/01English308
Effective training strategies for teaching communication skills to physicians: An overview of systematic reviews2011/08/01English308
Behavioral theories and the problem of compliance1987/10/01English306
Untangling the Web—The impact of Internet use on health care and the physician–patient relationship2007/11/01English295
Teachable moments for health behavior change: A concept analysis2009/07/01English295
Measuring patient views of physician communication skills: Development and testing of the Communication Assessment Tool2007/08/01English283
New directions in eHealth communication: Opportunities and challenges2010/03/01English281
Systematic review of peer-support programs for people with cancer2008/03/01English279
Physician–patient–companion communication and decision-making: A systematic review of triadic medical consultations2013/04/01English270
Social support in diabetes: a systematic review of controlled intervention studies2005/10/01English266
Endpoints in medical communication research, proposing a framework of functions and outcomes2009/03/01English256
The impact of the format of graphical presentation on health-related knowledge and treatment choices2008/12/01English254
Cancer communication patterns and the influence of patient characteristics: Disparities in information-giving and affective behaviors2006/09/01English251
The effects of a shared decision-making intervention in primary care of depression: A cluster-randomized controlled trial2007/08/01English250
Social support in cyberspace: A content analysis of communication within a Huntington's disease online support group2007/10/01English247
Twelve myths about shared decision making2014/09/01English246
Studies of educational interventions and outcomes in diabetic adults: A meta-analysis revisited1990/12/01English244
A standardized approach to qualitative content analysis of focus group discussions from different countries2011/03/01English236
The effects of health coaching on adult patients with chronic diseases: A systematic review2014/11/01English235
Health literacy and patient empowerment in health communication: The importance of separating conjoined twins2013/01/01English234
Developing CollaboRATE: A fast and frugal patient-reported measure of shared decision making in clinical encounters2013/10/01English230
Physician overestimation of patient literacy: A potential source of health care disparities2007/04/01English227
Analyzing the “nature” and “specific effectiveness” of clinical empathy: A theoretical overview and contribution towards a theory-based research agenda2009/03/01English224
Health information seeking: A review of measures and methods2011/03/01English223
The physician–patient working alliance2007/04/01English223
From patient education to patient engagement: Implications for the field of patient education2010/03/01English221
Participation in online patient support groups endorses patients’ empowerment2009/01/01English219
The use of simulated patients and role-play in communication skills training: A review of the literature to August 20052007/07/01English218
Health literacy in the eHealth era: A systematic review of the literature2017/06/01English211
Option Grids: Shared decision making made easier2013/02/01English206