Computers in Industry

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Special issue of computers in industry on learning in intelligent manufacturing systems1997/08/01English
Approaches and issues in scheduling a distributed shop-floor environment1997/10/01English
Letter to the Editor2001/03/01English
Issues on planning, managing and assessing complex electronic design processes1996/09/01English
Improved project management through improved document management2001/07/01English
A skeleton-retrieving approach for the recognition of punch shapes1997/03/01English
Hierarchical and heterarchical behaviour in agent-based manufacturing systems1997/09/01English
Enterprise modelling and integration: a taxonomy of seven key aspects1997/12/01English
Modelling and distributive control design of a flexible manufacturing system1999/03/01English
Developing a computer shop floor control model for a CIM system — using object modeling technique2000/05/01English
An agent architecture for manufacturing control: manAge2001/10/01English
Building holarchies for concurrent manufacturing planning and control in EtoPlan2001/10/01English
A self-organizing feature map for automated visual inspection of textile products1997/03/01English
Author index to volume 321997/03/01English
CONTENTS OF VOLUME2001/04/01English
Co-ordination in manufacturing: CIM at work1997/09/01English
Application of a blackboard framework to a cooperative fixture design system1998/06/01English
Surface flattening for the fashion industry: a generic approach using spring-mass system2001/08/17
Modern fieldbus communication architectures for real-time industrial applications1995/08/01English
A fuzzy mathematics based optimal delivery scheduling approach2001/07/01English
Reference models and object-oriented method for reuse in production activity control system design1996/12/01English
A comparative experiment of control architectures1996/06/01English
Exploration methods in business process re-engineering1997/09/01English
Malcolm McPherson, executive guide to speech-driven computer systems (Springer-Verlag, London, 1995) 109 pages, ISBN 3-540-19911-X1996/09/01English
Signal detection for human error correction in quality control1995/05/01English
A manufacturing problem solving environment combining evaluation, search, and generalisation methods2001/03/01English
A framework for classifying flexibility types in manufacturing1997/09/01English
Rapid prototyping models generated from machine vision data2001/03/01English