Cohomology of Noncommutative Hilbert Schemes | 2005/10/01 | English | 10 |
The Krull-Schmidt Theorem in the Case Two | 2009/12/19 | English | 10 |
Canonical Traces and Directly Finite Leavitt Path Algebras | 2015/01/28 | English | 10 |
Completion by Derived Double Centralizer | 2013/03/08 | English | 10 |
Crystal Isomorphisms for Irreducible Highest Weight $\boldsymbol{\mathcal{U}_{v}(\widehat{\mathbf{\mathfrak{sl}}}_{\mathit{e}})}$ -Modules of Higher Level | 2009/02/13 | English | 10 |
Crystal Base Elements of an Extremal Weight Module Fixed by a Diagram Automorphism | 2005/12/01 | English | 10 |
Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt Deformation of Koszul Calabi–Yau Algebras | 2011/10/14 | English | 10 |
Pseudocompact Algebras and Highest Weight Categories | 2011/12/07 | English | 10 |
Structure of H-Semiprime Artinian Algebras | 2010/08/05 | English | 10 |
Tate Homology of Modules of Finite Gorenstein Flat Dimension | 2012/08/26 | English | 10 |
The Kontsevich Weight of a Wheel with Spokes Pointing Outward | 2009/03/13 | English | 10 |
Superderivations for Modular Graded Lie Superalgebras of Cartan-type | 2012/11/23 | English | 10 |
Several Generalizations of the Wedderburn-Artin Theorem with Applications | 2017/11/20 | English | 10 |
Classification of Super-Modular Categories by Rank | 2019/03/09 | English | 10 |
The Primitive Ideals of some Étale Groupoid C ∗-Algebras | 2015/09/26 | English | 10 |
Endomorphism Algebras of 2-term Silting Complexes | 2017/06/14 | English | 9 |
A New Approach to Representations of 3-Lie Algebras and Abelian Extensions | 2017/04/17 | English | 9 |
Hodge Star as Braided Fourier Transform | 2017/02/08 | English | 9 |
The Drinfel’d Double for Group-cograded Multiplier Hopf Algebras | 2006/12/13 | English | 9 |
Noncommutative (Crepant) Desingularizations and the Global Spectrum of Commutative Rings | 2014/11/22 | English | 9 |
On Filtered Multiplicative Bases of Some Associative Algebras | 2014/08/01 | English | 9 |
G-algebras, Twistings, and Equivalences of Graded Categories | 2009/12/10 | English | 9 |
Verifying Huppert’s Conjecture for 2 G 2(q 2) | 2009/12/23 | English | 9 |
Cofiniteness with Respect to Ideals of Small Dimensions | 2014/08/23 | English | 9 |
Classification of Pointed Hopf Algebras of Dimension p 2 over any Algebraically Closed Field | 2013/08/30 | English | 9 |
Folding of Set-Theoretical Solutions of the Yang–Baxter Equation | 2011/05/24 | English | 9 |
Rational Group Algebras of Finite Groups: From Idempotents to Units of Integral Group Rings | 2010/11/13 | English | 9 |
Torsion Pairs and Rigid Objects in Tubes | 2013/03/20 | English | 9 |
Partial Skew Group Rings Over Polycyclic by Finite Groups | 2009/12/18 | English | 9 |
Nonsolvable Groups Satisfying the One-prime Hypothesis | 2007/04/17 | English | 9 |