On Simple Split Lie Triple Systems | 2009/03/04 | English | 22 |
Reducing Homological Conjectures by n-Recollements | 2015/11/11 | English | 22 |
A Characterization of Nilpotent Leibniz Algebras | 2012/10/03 | English | 21 |
On Derivations in Semiprime Rings | 2011/02/24 | English | 20 |
Cosilting Modules | 2017/04/04 | English | 20 |
Almost Split Sequences and Approximations | 2012/10/27 | English | 19 |
τ-Categories I: Ladders | 2005/08/01 | English | 19 |
Rank 2 Nichols Algebras with Finite Arithmetic Root System | 2007/06/28 | English | 19 |
Representations of Leibniz Algebras | 2014/10/10 | English | 19 |
Superalgebras with Involution or Superinvolution and Almost Polynomial Growth of the Codimensions | 2018/06/07 | English | 19 |
Varieties for Modules of Quantum Elementary Abelian Groups | 2008/05/30 | English | 18 |
Green Rings of Pointed Rank One Hopf algebras of Nilpotent Type | 2014/05/29 | English | 18 |
Resolving Resolution Dimensions | 2012/06/01 | English | 18 |
Representation Type of Rational ACM Surfaces $\boldsymbol{X\subseteq\mathbb{P}^4}$ | 2012/05/26 | English | 18 |
Relative Tor Functors with Respect to a Semidualizing Module | 2012/11/22 | English | 17 |
Every Projective Variety is a Quiver Grassmannian | 2012/06/19 | English | 17 |
Quantum Spaces Associated to Multipermutation Solutions of Level Two | 2009/12/24 | English | 17 |
Representations of the Restricted Cartan Type Lie Superalgebra W (m, n, 1) | 2009/12/18 | English | 17 |
Quantum Toroidal Algebra Associated with $\mathfrak {gl}_{m|n}$ | 2020/04/28 | English | 16 |
τ-Categories II: Nakayama Pairs and Rejective Subcategories | 2005/10/01 | English | 16 |
The Green Ring of Drinfeld Double D(H 4) | 2013/11/20 | English | 16 |
Cluster Multiplication in Regular Components via Generalized Chebyshev Polynomials | 2010/11/14 | English | 16 |
Cluster-Cyclic Quivers with Three Vertices and the Markov Equation | 2010/01/07 | English | 16 |
Determination of 7-Dimensional Indecomposable Nilpotent Complex Lie Algebras by Adjoining a Derivation to 6-Dimensional Lie Algebras | 2009/12/12 | English | 16 |
Self-injective Right Artinian Rings and Igusa Todorov Functions | 2012/01/05 | English | 16 |
Generalized Oscillator Representations of the Twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro Algebra | 2019/05/04 | English | 15 |
A Note on Comaximal Graph of Non-commutative Rings | 2011/07/29 | English | 15 |
Continuous Cluster Categories I | 2014/06/20 | English | 15 |
The Quantized Walled Brauer Algebra and Mixed Tensor Space | 2013/03/22 | English | 15 |
The Quiver of an Algebra Associated to the Mantaci-Reutenauer Descent Algebra and the Homology of Regular Semigroups | 2009/12/18 | English | 15 |