Algebras and Representation Theory

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Cellular Structure of q-Brauer Algebras2013/10/23English
Restricted Modules and Conjectures for Modules of Constant Jordan Type2013/10/19English
More Examples of Algebraic Quantum Hypergroups2011/07/08English
Extensions of Modules over Schur Algebras, Symmetric Groups and Hecke Algebras2004/03/01English
Brauer Characters of Finite Monoids2004/03/01English
Automorphisms of Green Orders and Their Derived Categories2004/03/01English
Auslander-Regular and Cohen–Macaulay Quantum Groups2004/03/01English
The Derived Picard Group is a Locally Algebraic Group2004/03/01English
Natural Dualities2004/03/01English
Hilbert Space Representations of Cross Product Algebras II2006/07/15English
Serial Rings with T-Nilpotent Prime Radical2006/04/01English
Good Reduction of Good Filtrations at Places2006/04/01English
Stacks of Algebras and Their Homology2006/12/05English
Coactions on Spaces of Morphisms2009/03/04English
Corings with Decomposition and Semiperfect Corings2009/03/04English
Remarks on the McKay Conjecture2009/02/17English
Ore Extensions over Total Valuation Rings2009/02/13English
One-Parameter Families of Modules for Tame Algebras and Bocses2005/12/01English
Finite Block Theory and Hopf Algebra Actions2007/11/14English
Lax Operator for the Quantised Orthosymplectic Superalgebra U q [osp(m|n)]2007/05/12English
Extending Rings of Prüfer Type in Central Simple Algebras2007/05/02English
The Tilting Tensor Product Theorem and Decomposition Numbers for Symmetric Groups2007/03/27English
Actions of Solvable Algebraic Groups on Central Simple Algebras2007/05/24English
Super Jack-Laurent Polynomials2018/03/16English
Springer Fibers for the Minimal and the Minimal Special Nilpotent Orbits2018/04/30English
Polar Symplectic Representations2016/12/24English
Auslander-Reiten Numbers Games2017/07/25English
Relative Transpose and its Dual with Respect to a Bimodule2017/06/13English
Auslander-Reiten Sequences for Gorenstein Rings of Dimension One2018/05/30English
Truncated Quantum Drinfeld Hecke Algebras and Hochschild Cohomology2018/05/31English