Resource and Energy Economics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Environmental technical efficiency, technology gap and shadow price of coal-fuelled power plants in China: A parametric meta-frontier analysis2016/02/01English114
Heterogeneous treatment effects and mechanisms in information-based environmental policies: Evidence from a large-scale field experiment2013/09/01English112
Marginal abatement cost curves in general equilibrium: The influence of world energy prices2006/01/01English109
Can green consumerism replace environmental regulation?—a differentiated-products example2004/09/01English105
Use of the Internet for willingness-to-pay surveys2011/01/01English104
The relative economic efficiency of urban water utilities in regional New South Wales and Victoria2010/08/01English104
Consumers’ willingness to pay for renewable energy: A meta-regression analysis2015/11/01English101
The opportunity cost of land use and the global potential for greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture and forestry2009/11/01English101
The impact of oil and natural gas facilities on rural residential property values: a spatial hedonic analysis2005/10/01English96
On the spatial nature of the groundwater pumping externality2010/04/01English96
Convergence in per capita CO2 emissions: A robust distributional approach2011/09/01English95
Waste, recycling, and “Design for Environment”: Roles for markets and policy instruments2005/11/01English91
Club convergence and clustering of U.S. energy-related CO 2 emissions2016/11/01English90
We want to sort! Assessing households’ preferences for sorting waste2014/01/01English89
Carbon Lorenz curves2010/01/01English89
A pseudo-panel data model of household electricity demand2011/01/01English89
Estimating the benefits of efficient water pricing in France2004/03/01English89
Consumer confusion over the profusion of eco-labels: Lessons from a double differentiation model2014/08/01English88
Price vector effects in choice experiments: an empirical test2005/10/01English87
An agglomeration payment for cost-effective biodiversity conservation in spatially structured landscapes2010/04/01English86
Electricity provision with intermittent sources of energy2012/09/01English86
Economic and environmental performance of wastewater treatment plants: Potential reductions in greenhouse gases emissions2014/11/01English85
Boundedly rational consumers, energy and investment literacy, and the display of information on household appliances2019/05/01English83
Energy price-induced and exogenous technological change: Assessing the economic and environmental outcomes2009/11/01English83
Wind turbines and coastal recreation demand2012/01/01English82
A cross-country analysis of residential electricity demand in 11 OECD-countries2015/02/01English81
Induced technological change and the attractiveness of CO2 abatement policies1999/08/01English79
An integrated tax-subsidy policy for carbon emission reduction2010/08/01English77
Labor market dynamics and the unconventional natural gas boom: Evidence from the Marcellus region2016/08/01English75
Optimal energy investment and R&D strategies to stabilize atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations2009/05/01English75