American Journal of Dance Therapy

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A Study on the Effects of Argentine Tango as a Form of Partnered Dance for those with Parkinson Disease and the Healthy Elderly2007/08/15English83
Embodied Enactive Dance/Movement Therapy2011/04/27English55
Embodied Concepts of Neurobiology in Dance/Movement Therapy Practice2010/11/18English53
Ballroom Dance as Therapy for the Elderly in Brazil2007/09/25English43
Recommendations for Implementing Tango Classes for Persons with Parkinson Disease2010/03/16English43
Dance/Movement Therapy as an Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders2014/09/23English42
Emotion, Embodiment, and Mirror Neurons in Dance/Movement Therapy: A Connection Across Disciplines2008/10/21English36
Why Is Movement Therapeutic?2010/02/17English33
PEACE Through Dance/Movement: Evaluating a Violence Prevention Program2004/01/01English31
The Effectiveness of Dance/Movement Therapy Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review2019/04/08English24
Diversity Issues in Movement Observation and Assessment2013/09/26English23
Dance and Aging: A Critical Review of Findings in Neuroscience2015/09/03English23
Dancing Toward Positive Body Image? Examining Body-Related Constructs with Ballet and Contemporary Dancers at Different Levels2012/03/17English22
Somatic Transference and Countertransference in Psychoanalytic Intersubjective Dance/Movement Therapy2007/08/21English22
How Attention to Interoception Can Inform Dance/Movement Therapy2012/11/14English22
Examining Dance as an Intervention in Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review2014/11/04English22
The Therapeutic Movement Relationship in Dance/Movement Therapy: A Phenomenological Study2017/01/19English20
Movement and Mindfulness: A Formative Evaluation of a Dance/Movement and Yoga Therapy Program with Participants Experiencing Severe Mental Illness2011/10/15English20
Dance/Movement Therapy as an Alternative Treatment for Young Boys Diagnosed as ADHD: A Pilot Study2005/12/01English18
Taming Tidal Waves: A Dance/Movement Therapy Approach to Supporting Emotion Regulation in Maltreated Children2013/04/23English18
The Use of Dance in the Rehabilitation of a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis2010/03/20English17
Tango Dance Can Reduce Distress and Insomnia in People with Self-Referred Affective Symptoms2013/02/26English17
The Psycho-neurology of Embodiment with Examples from Authentic Movement and Laban Movement Analysis2017/06/07English16
Navigating the Dance of Touch: An Exploration into the Use of Touch in Dance/Movement Therapy2013/12/13English16
Untying the Knots: Dance/Movement Therapy with a Family Exposed to Domestic Violence2008/10/02English16
Applying Critical Consciousness to Dance/Movement Therapy Pedagogy and the Politics of the Body2019/11/18English16
‘Something More’: The Unique Features of Dance Movement Therapy/Psychotherapy2020/03/09English16
Empowerment-Focused Dance/Movement Therapy for Trauma Recovery2019/11/04English14
Regaining Balance Within: Dance Movement Therapy with Chinese Cancer Patients in Hong Kong2005/12/01English14
Dance/Movement Therapy and Sensory Stimulation: A Holistic Approach to Dementia Care2016/08/10English13