Issue 4

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Whose vision counts? The formulation of vision in community forest enterprises2012/06/01
Crossfire: The poorest cannot be helped by any of our current models of economic development from graduation approaches to market development2012/06/01
Building consensus for improved accountability and results: the SEEP Minimum Standards for Economic Recovery after Crisis2010/03/01
Helping businesses recover after a natural disaster: Hambantota Chamber's post-tsunami experience2010/03/01
‘Best practice in a post-emergency environment is no different from normal enterprise development and microfinance’2010/03/01
Reviews and resources2010/03/01
Crossfire: Despite the rhetoric, women's programming is still in the ‘pink ghetto’ of development2012/12/01
Strengthening women's economic empowerment within the M4P framework2012/12/01
Reviews and resources2012/12/01
Conference report on ‘Rural Finance Research: Moving results into policies and practice’, FAO, Rome2007/01/01
Microfinance respecting Islamic banking principles in marginal dry areas2007/01/01
Value Chains2007/01/01
Risk-sharing models increase market access and financial and non-financial services to farmers2007/01/01
Guarantees for microfinance: Impact and lessons learned2011/12/01
Poor Economics - A radical rethinking of the way to fight global poverty2011/12/01
Guest editorial: strategies for integrating the most vulnerable populations into market systems, from the SEEP conference2015/03/01
Geography and microenterprises: clustering, networking, and knowledge spillovers2013/12/01
Policy choices for Vietnam's craft villages: Value chain or livelihood approach?2011/09/01
Gender bias in dairy value chains in Nicaragua2011/09/01
Taking stock: Market development - where it is and where it needs to go2011/09/01