The Sixteenth Century Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
:La confusion des sexes: Le travestissement de la Renaissance à la Révolution2002/12/01English34
Egyptian Mumia: The Sixteenth Century Experience and Debate1985/06/01English23
Cicero's De Officiis and Machiavelli's Prince1978/12/01English20
Early British Chorography1986/12/01English18
Fishmongers and Shipowners: Women in Maritime Communities of Early Modern Portugal2000/03/01English14
A Spanish Prophetess and Her Patrons: The Case of Maria de Santo Domingo1992/03/01English13
Jewish Conversion, the Spanish Pure Blood Laws and Reformation: A Revisionist View of Racial and Religious Antisemitism1987/03/01English13
Mimesis of the Last Judgment: The Spanish Auto de fe1991/06/01English13
Calvin and Nicodemism: A Reappraisal1979/03/01English11
Praise and Advice: Rhetorical Approaches in More's Utopia and Machiavelli's the Prince1988/06/01English11
Discipline, Vocation, and Patronage: Spanish Religious Women in a Tridentine Microclimate1999/12/01English11
The Political Repercussions of the Five Articles of Perth: A Reassessment of James VI and I's Religious Policies in Scotland2007/12/01English11
"Surrender and Regrant" in the Historiography of Sixteenth-Century Ireland2007/12/01English11
The Myth of Elizabeth at Tilbury1992/03/01English10
Humanism as Method: Roots of Conflict with the Scholastics1998/06/01English10
Machiavelli and the Rhetorica ad Herennium: Deliberative Rhetoric in The Prince1997/12/01English10
Religion, Discipline, and the Economy in Calvin's Geneva1997/03/01English10
Armchair Travelers and the Venetian Discovery of the New World2005/12/01English9
"Darke Speech": Matthew Parker and the Reforming of History1998/12/01English9
Francis Du Moulin and the Journal of Louise of Savoy1982/03/01English9
Women in the Public Sphere in Early Modern England: The Case of the Urban Working Poor1988/12/01English9
Paltry Peddlers or Essential Merchants? Women in the Distributive Trades in Early Modern Nuremberg1981/06/01English9
French Calvinists As the Children of Israel: An Old Testament Self-Consciousness in Jean Crespin's Histoire des Martyrs before the Wars of Religion1993/06/01English9
Sola Fide, Sola Gratia: The Battle for Luther in Seventeenth-Century England1985/03/01English8
Spanish Merchants and the Wool Trade in the Sixteenth Century1983/09/01English8
The Florentine Onesta and the Control of Prostitution, 1403-16801993/06/01English8
Lady Mildmay's Journal: A Study in Autobiography and Meditation in Reformation England1989/03/01English8
The Mistaking of "the Mathematicks" for Magic in Tudor and Stuart England1980/03/01English8
The Bitter Notes: The Geneva Bible and Its Annotations1983/03/01English8
Religious Concord and Political Tolerance in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth- Century France1991/03/01English8