Atmospheric Environment

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Emission rate apportionment from fugitive sources using open-path FTIR and mathematical inversion1999/02/01
Development of a reduced chemical scheme for use in mesoscale meteorological models2000/01/01English
Modelling of radiation quantities and photolysis frequencies in the aqueous phase in the troposphere1997/10/01English
Overestimation of urban nitrogen dioxide by passive diffusion tubes: a comparative exposure and model study1999/02/01English
C2–C5 Hydrocarbon measurements in the Netherlands 1981–19911999/09/01English
Some key environmental variables controlling nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural and semi-natural soils in Scotland1998/10/01English
Two-phase model of mercury chemistry in the atmosphere1998/08/01English
First experiences with methods to measure ammonia emissions from naturally ventilated cattle buildings in the U.K.1998/02/01English
Ozone flux to vegetation and its relationship to plant response and ambient air quality standards1998/01/01English
Assessing the cost-effectiveness of SMUD'S shade tree program1998/01/01English
Air quality measurements in urban green areas – a case study1999/10/01English
Some insights into typical urban canyon airflows1999/10/01English
Application of adjoint tracer transport equations for evaluating source parameters1998/09/01English
Variation of particle number and mass concentration in various size ranges of ambient aerosols in Eastern Germany1997/12/01English
Collection efficiencies of large water drops collecting aerosol particles of various densities1997/06/01English
Estimation of daily NO2 with explainable machine learning model in China, 2007–20202023/12/01English
Source specific health risks of size-segregated particulate bound metals in an urban environment over northern India2023/12/01English
A quantitative exploration of the interactions and synergistic driving mechanisms between factors affecting regional air quality based on deep learning2023/12/01English
Comparison of short-term effects of particulate matter with different particle sizes on first-ever stroke: A national case-crossover study in China2023/11/01English
Low contributions of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) chemistry to atmospheric aerosols over the high Arctic Ocean2023/11/01English
Size-segregated aerosol measurements during Diwali festival in an elevated background location2023/12/01English
Active vs. passive isotopic analysis: Insights from urban Beijing field measurements and ammonia source signatures2023/12/01English
Physical informed neural network improving the WRF-CHEM results of air pollution using satellite-based remote sensing data2023/10/01English
Study of atmospheric glyoxal using multiple axis differential optical spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) in India2023/12/01English
Editorial Board2023/10/01English
Molecular characteristics and potential source of urban PM2.5-bound water-soluble organic matter in Shanghai during springtime2023/10/01English
Ultrafine particles in urban settings: A combined study of volatility and effective density revealed by VT-DMA-APM2023/11/01English
Characterization and sources of water-soluble organic species in PM2.5 in a remote mountain environment in Southeastern China2023/11/01English
Observational evidence of the regional transported black carbon in high layer over Beijing2023/10/01English
Generating high spatial resolution exposure estimates from sparse regulatory monitoring data2023/11/01English