Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Two-dimensional magic-angle spinning isotropic reconstruction sequences for quadrupolar nuclei1996/02/01English345
The PAW/GIPAW approach for computing NMR parameters: A new dimension added to NMR study of solids2011/07/01English307
71Ga and 69Ga nuclear magnetic resonance study of β-Ga2O3: resolution of four- and six-fold coordinated Ga sites in static conditions1995/05/01English279
Applications of high-resolution 1H solid-state NMR2012/02/01English237
Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance investigations of the nature, property, and activity of acid sites on solid catalysts2011/05/01English193
NMR Nomenclature: Nuclear Spin Properties and Conventions for Chemical Shifts2002/12/01English190
High-Field High-Speed MAS Resolution Enhancement in 1H NMR Spectroscopy of Solids2001/11/01English135
A 27Al MAS NMR study of a sol–gel produced alumina: Identification of the NMR parameters of the θ-Al2O3 transition alumina phase2007/07/01English126
Some perspectives on the interpretation of proton NMR spin diffusion data in terms of polymer morphologies1996/08/01English123
Beyond NMR spectra of antimicrobial peptides: Dynamical images at atomic resolution and functional insights2009/07/01English120
Fast magic-angle sample spinning solid-state NMR at 60–100 kHz for natural abundance samples2016/09/01English107
In situ NMR of lithium ion batteries: Bulk susceptibility effects and practical considerations2012/04/01English105
NMR relaxometry as a versatile tool to study Li ion dynamics in potential battery materials2012/04/01English104
15N chemical shift referencing in solid state NMR2014/07/01English103
Recent developments in MAS DNP-NMR of materials2019/09/01English100
Operator-based Floquet theory in solid-state NMR2010/05/01English100
Is solid-state NMR enhanced by dynamic nuclear polarization?2015/04/01English96
Triple-quantum MAS-NMR of quadrupolar nuclei1996/01/01English93
Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance studies of acid sites in zeolites1994/09/01English93
Solid-state NMR study of ordered mesoporous aluminosilicate MCM-41 synthesized on a liquid-crystal template1993/10/01English92
A review of oxygen-17 solid-state NMR of organic materials—towards biological applications2004/11/01English92
Solid state NMR study of dietary fiber powders from aronia, bilberry, black currant and apple2006/09/01English88
Heteronuclear polarization transfer by symmetry-based recoupling sequences in solid-state NMR2004/09/01English88
Separation of aromatic-carbon 13C NMR signals from di-oxygenated alkyl bands by a chemical-shift-anisotropy filter2004/08/01English81
QuadFit—A new cross-platform computer program for simulation of NMR line shapes from solids with distributions of interaction parameters2009/07/01English81
Solid-state NMR: A powerful tool for characterization of metal–organic frameworks2013/02/01English80
Further conventions for NMR shielding and chemical shifts IUPAC recommendations 20082008/03/01English79
Spin-diffusion NMR at low field for the study of multiphase solids2008/07/01English76
Determination of 207Pb2+ chemical shift tensors from precise powder lineshape analysis1996/06/01English76
Expanding the horizons for structural analysis of fully protonated protein assemblies by NMR spectroscopy at MAS frequencies above 100 kHz2017/10/01English74