Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter

Title Publication Date Language Citations
QUANTUM ESPRESSO: a modular and open-source software project for quantum simulations of materials2009/09/0116,571
The SIESTA method forab initioorder-Nmaterials simulation2002/03/087,628
First-principles simulation: ideas, illustrations and the CASTEP code2002/03/087,318
A grid-based Bader analysis algorithm without lattice bias2009/01/304,050
First-principles calculations of the electronic structure and spectra of strongly correlated systems: theLDA+Umethod1997/01/272,679
Norm-conserving and ultrasoft pseudopotentials for first-row and transition elements1994/10/032,561
A second-generation reactive empirical bond order (REBO) potential energy expression for hydrocarbons2002/01/182,240
Chemical accuracy for the van der Waals density functional2009/12/102,077
Electronic structure calculations with GPAW: a real-space implementation of the projector augmented-wave method2010/06/101,329
Colossal magnetoresistance1997/09/291,249
PDFfit2 and PDFgui: computer programs for studying nanostructure in crystals2007/07/041,113
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering1992/02/03902
Statics and dynamics of worm-like surfactant micelles1990/08/20870
Magnetocaloric effect and its relation to shape-memory properties in ferromagnetic Heusler alloys2009/05/18748
Low frequency plasmons in thin-wire structures1998/06/08747
Ab initiorandom structure searching2011/01/05688
Heavy-fermion superconductivity in CeCoIn5at 2.3 K2001/04/10678
Universal features of the equation of state of solids1989/03/20665
Pyroelectric properties of Al(In)GaN/GaN hetero- and quantum well structures2002/03/22651
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering and biophysics2002/04/26650
The relaxational properties of compositionally disordered ABO3perovskites2003/02/24632
Magneto-optical conductivity in graphene2006/12/15632
Reverse Monte Carlo modelling2001/11/05610
Ab initio calculations of elastic constants and thermodynamic properties of bcc, fcc, and hcp Al crystals under pressure2002/07/10602
ELATE: an open-source online application for analysis and visualization of elastic tensors2016/05/20599
Polar oxide surfaces2000/07/18591
Molecular transport junctions: vibrational effects2007/02/23567
The Verwey transition - a topical review2002/03/15560
The growth and morphology of epitaxial multilayer graphene2008/07/18516