The International Information & Library Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Knowledge sharing practices: A case study at Malaysia’s healthcare research institutes2011/12/01English15
Evaluating the credibility of scholarly information on the web: A cross cultural study2005/06/01English15
ICT Skills of Library and Information Science (LIS) Students in Bangladesh2019/02/10English15
Library Automation in Pakistan1998/03/01English15
Traditional knowledge management and preservation: Intersections with Library and Information Science2012/03/01English15
Information for social and economic participation: A review of related research on the information needs and acquisition of rural Chinese2009/06/01English14
Library And Information Science Research in Developing Countries and Eastern European Countries: A Brief Bibliometric Perspective2002/03/01English14
Mapping mixed methods research in library and information science journals in Sub-Saharan Africa 2004–20082010/12/01English14
Information and Communication Technologies2006/09/01English14
Gender differences in information seeking behavior in three universities in West Bengal, India2010/12/01English14
Democratizing information and communication by implementing e-government in Indonesian regional government2004/09/01English13
Factors affecting customer relationship management practices in Thai academic libraries2011/12/01English13
Empowerment and Governance through Information and Communication Technologies: Women’s Perspective2001/09/01English13
ICT and rural societies: Opportunities for growth2005/12/01English13
Managing indigenous knowledge for sustainable agricultural development in developing countries: Knowledge management approaches in the social context2010/09/01English13
Empowerment and Governance through Information and Communication Technologies: Women's Perspective2001/12/01English13
The New Normal: Public Libraries in Italy Post Covid-192021/01/02English13
Africa as a knowledge society: A reality check2006/03/01English13
Information searching behavior in the Internet age: A users’ study of Aligarh Muslim University2008/03/01English12
Exploring the competencies of information professionals for knowledge management in the information institutions of Bangladesh2011/09/01English12
Use of Web 2.0 tools in academic libraries: A reconnaissance of the international landscape2010/09/01English12
Academic Library Services during COVID-19: The Experience of CUHK Library2020/10/19English12
Core competencies for information professionals of Thai academic libraries in the next decade (A.D. 2010–2019)2011/09/01English12
FromWar-netto Net-war: The Internet and Resistance Identities in Indonesia2003/06/01English12
Acceptance of digital library among female students and effects of limited access of digital library on their performance in research work: A case of International Islamic University2009/09/01English12
Indigenous knowledge and the knowledge commons2008/03/01English12
Research procedures used by Master of Information Studies students at the University of Natal in the period 1982–2002 with special reference to their sampling techniques and survey response rates: A methodological discourse⋆2005/06/01English12
Social Impact of the “Digital Divide” in a Central–Eastern European Country2002/06/01English12
Reading by Russian-speaking immigrants in Toronto: use of public libraries, bookstores, and home book collections2004/12/01English12
Computer attitudes and library anxiety among undergraduates: a study of Israeli B.Ed students2004/03/01English12