Journal of Personality Disorders

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Executive Neurocognitive Functioning and Neurobehavioral Systems Indicators in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Preliminary Study2004/08/01English86
The Wisconsin Personality Disorders Inventory: Development, Reliability, and Validity1993/12/01English85
Sensory Sensitivity, Attachment Experiences, and Rejection Responses Among Adults with Borderline and Avoidant Features2005/12/01English85
A Psychometric Evaluation of the DSM-IV Personality Disorder Criteria1997/06/01English84
The Structure of Self-Report Schizotypy in Twins1992/03/01English83
Metacognitive Dysfunctions in Personality Disorders: Correlations With Disorder Severity and Personality Styles2014/12/01English83
Short-Interval Test-Retest Interrater Reliability of the Dutch Version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders (SCID-II)2003/12/01English83
The Personality Disorders Institute/Borderline Personality Disorder Research Foundation Randomized Control Trial for Borderline Personality Disorder: Rationale, Methods, and Patient Characteristics2004/02/01English83
Personality and Anxiety Disorders: A Review2003/04/01English83
Theoretical and Empirical Concerns Regarding the Dark Triad as a Construct2015/06/01English82
Impulsivity in Borderline Personality Disorder: Reward-Based Decision-Making and its Relationship to Emotional Distress2010/12/01English82
The Representation of Borderline, Avoidant, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Schizotypal Personality Disorders by the Five-Factor Model2002/06/01English81
Emotional Responses in Patients with Borderline as Compared With Avoidant Personality Disorder2000/12/01English81
The Essential Nature of Borderline Psychopathology2007/10/01English80
Affective Instability: Toward an Integration of Neuroscience and Psychological Perspectives2010/02/01English79
Ecological Momentary Assessment in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Review of Recent Findings and Methodological Challenges2014/08/01English79
The Maladaptive Personality Traits of the Personality Inventory forDSM-5(PID-5) in Relation to the HEXACO Personality Factors and Schizotypy/Dissociation2012/10/01English78
A Study of the Factorial Structure of Personality Pathology1989/12/01English78
Impulsivity and Emotion Dysregulation in Borderline Personality Disorder2008/04/01English78
Factor Structure and Construct Validity of the Self-Report Psychopathy (SRP) Scale and the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI) in Young Men2014/06/01English77
Separate Personality Traits From States To Predict Depression2003/04/01English76
Self-Reported Personality Disorder in the Children in the Community Sample: Convergent and Prospective Validity in Late Adolescence and Adulthood2005/02/01English76
Validating the Self-Report of Defense Styles1989/06/01English76
The Distinguishing Characteristics of Narrative Identity in Adults with Features of Borderline Personality Disorder: An Empirical Investigation2012/08/01English75
Affective Instability and Suicidal Ideation and Behavior in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder2007/02/01English75
Prevalence and Construct Validity of Personality Disorder not Otherwise Specified (PDNOS)2007/08/01English75
Psychopathy and Substance Use1994/09/01English74
Openness to Experience, Intellect, Schizotypal Personality Disorder, and Psychoticism: Resolving the Controversy2014/08/01English74
The Effect of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Use on Borderline Personality Disorder Features2008/12/01English74
The Challenge of Transforming the Diagnostic System of Personality Disorders2017/10/01English74