Journal of the American Helicopter Society

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Linear Time Invariant Approximations of Linear Time Periodic Systems2017/01/01English2
Analysis and Control of a Magnetorheological Landing Gear System for a Helicopter2016/07/01English2
Effect of Leading-Edge Serrations on Helicopter Blade–Vortex Interaction Noise2017/07/01English2
VABS: A New Concept for Composite Rotor Blade Cross-Sectional Modeling1997/01/01English2
Flight Dynamics of an Articulated Rotor Helicopter with an External Slung Load2001/01/01English2
Assessment of Composite Rotor Blade Modeling Techniques1999/07/01English2
Characterization of Magnetorheological Helicopter Lag Dampers1999/07/01English2
Dynamic Stall on Advanced Airfoil Sections1981/07/01English2
The Uses and Abuses of the Acoustic Analogy in Helicopter Rotor Noise Prediction1988/01/01English2
Formulation and Evaluation of an Analytical Model for Composite Box‐Beams1991/07/01English2
Helicopter Gust Response Characteristics Including Unsteady Aerodynamic Stall Effects1974/10/01English2
Trailing-Edge Flaps for Rotor Performance Enhancement and Vibration Reduction2013/04/01English2
Prediction and Fundamental Understanding of Stall Loads in UH-60A Pull-Up Maneuver2011/10/01English2
On the Influence of Time‐Varying Flow Velocity on Unsteady Aerodynamics1994/10/01English2
System Identification and Controller Optimization of a Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Hover2017/10/01English1
Aeroacoustic Simulation of a Complete H145 Helicopter in Descent Flight2016/10/01English1
Spanwise Differences in Static and Dynamic Stall on a Pitching Rotor Blade Tip Model2017/01/01English1
Development of a Helicopter Operations Management System for Disaster Relief Missions2016/01/01English1
Rotational Stabilization of Cargo Container Slung Loads2015/10/01English1
Helicopter Slung Load Control Using Lagged Cable Angle Feedback2015/04/01English1
Compound Helicopter: Insight and Optimization2015/01/01English1
Optimum Actuator-Disk Performance in Hover and Axial Flight by a Compact Momentum Theory with Swirl2015/01/01English1
Prediction of Fuselage Surface Pressures in Rotor–Fuselage Interactions Using an Integral Solution of Poisson Equation2014/10/01English1
Evaluation of Rotor Structural and Aerodynamic Loads Using Measured Blade Properties2013/01/011
An Exploration of Radial Flow on a Rotating Blade in Retreating Blade Stall2013/04/01English1
A Computational Study on Rotor and Fuselage Configuration Effect on Rotorcraft Brownout2022/01/01English1
A Surrogate-Based Approach to Reduced-Order Dynamic Stall Modeling2012/04/01English1
Rotor Free‐Wake Modeling Using a Pseudo‐Implicit Technique — Including Comparisons with Experimental Data1995/07/01English1
Rotor Aeroelastic Stability Analysis Using Coupled Computational Fluid Dynamics/Computational Structural Dynamics2011/10/01English1
Extendable Chord Rotors for Helicopter Envelope Expansion and Performance Improvement2014/01/01English1