Peking Mathematical Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Dirac Geometry I: Commutative Algebra2023/06/21English
Small Denominators and Large Numerators of Quasiperiodic Schrödinger Operators2023/07/05English
A Note on Kähler–Ricci Flow on Fano Threefolds2023/09/28English
Quantitative Almost Reducibility and Möbius Disjointness for Analytic Quasiperiodic Schrödinger Cocycles2023/11/30English
Verlinde/Grassmannian Correspondence and Rank 2 $$\delta$$-Wall-Crossing2022/05/14English
A Wall-Crossing Formula and the Invariance of GLSM Correlation Functions2019/12/06English
The 2-Width of Embedded 3-Manifolds2021/05/15English
Cocenters of p-adic Groups, III: Elliptic and Rigid Cocenters2020/10/13English
Bernstein Eigenvarieties2023/06/22English
A Note on Knot Floer Homology and Fixed Points of Monodromy2022/07/18English
Weight Polytopes and Energy Functionals of Toric Varieties2023/11/16English
A Restriction Estimate for Surfaces with Negative Gaussian Curvatures2023/03/07English
Stability of the Volume Preserving Mean Curvature Flow in Hyperbolic Space2023/04/06English
Modules at Boundary Points, Fiberwise Bergman Kernels, and Log-Subharmonicity2023/05/03English
Connecting Hodge Integrals to Gromov–Witten Invariants by Virasoro Operators2020/11/19English
Asymptotic of Enumerative Invariants in $${\mathbb {C}}P^2$$ C P 22018/10/08English
Higher Signs for Coxeter Groups2021/02/25English
Eguchi–Hanson Singularities in U(2)-Invariant Ricci Flow2022/11/16English
A Geometric Depiction of Solomon–Tukachinsky’s Construction of Open Gromov–Witten Invariants2022/02/04English
On Tamed Almost Complex Four-Manifolds2022/02/03English
Construction of KdV Flow: A Unified Approach2023/05/12English
Filtrations and Torsion Pairs in Abramovich–Polishchuk’s Heart2024/04/09English
Noncommutative Gröbner Bases and Ext Groups2023/11/06English
Algebraicity Criteria, Invariant Subvarieties and Transcendence Problems from Arithmetic Dynamics2023/03/29English
An Optimal Volume Growth Estimate for Noncollapsed Steady Gradient Ricci Solitons2023/02/15English
Global Existence and Scattering of the Klein–Gordon–Zakharov System in Two Space Dimensions2023/06/16English
Twisted Linear Periods and a New Relative Trace Formula2023/06/16English
On the Convergence Rate of Bergman Metrics2022/12/26English
The Bochner–Riesz Problem: An Old Approach Revisited2024/02/20English
$$\textrm{Spin}(7)$$ Is Unacceptable2024/02/20English