Differential Equations

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the case of multiple roots of the characteristic operator polynomial of an nth-order linear homogeneous differential equation in a banach space2007/05/01English3
Covering mappings and their applications to differential equations unsolved for the derivative2009/05/01English3
Problem of Determining the Thermal Memory of a Conducting Medium2020/06/01English3
Positive Solutions of Higher-Order Singular Problems2005/05/01English3
Asymptotic Integration of Differential Equations with Oscillatory Terms of Large Amplitudes: I2005/06/01English3
Convergence of Biorthogonal Expansions of Functions on an Interval for Higher-Order Differential Operators2005/05/01English3
Singular integral equation with Cauchy kernel on a complicated contour2011/09/01English3
Unique Solvability of Nonlocal Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Hyperbolic Equations2003/10/01English3
Pontryagin Readings–XIV at Voronezh Spring Mathematical School “Modern Methods in Qualitative Theory of Boundary Value Problems”2003/11/01English3
Rotor type singular points of nonautonomous systems of differential equations and their role in the generation of singular attractors of nonlinear autonomous systems2004/11/01English3
A study of one-dimensional optimization models with infinite horizon2004/12/01English3
On the construction of an asymptotic analog of a pencil of trajectories for a linear system with a single-impulse control2004/12/01English3
A problem with nonlocal conditions on characteristics for the moisture transfer equation2004/10/01English3
On the construction of a bifurcation surface of existence of heteroclinic saddle-focus contours in the Lorenz system2004/12/01English2
Well-posedness of the inverse source problem for parabolic systems2004/11/01English2
Attainability problems under stochastic perturbations2004/11/01English2
Stabilization of a system with a constant and a linear delay2004/12/01English2
Special versions of the subdomain method for integro-differential equations in the singular case2004/09/01English2
Inverse Problem of Determining an Unknown Coefficient in the Beam Vibration Equation2022/01/01English2
A Method for Studying Integral Equations by Using a Covering Set of the Nemytskii Operator in Spaces of Measurable Functions2022/01/01English2
An Inverse Problem for Differential Systems on a Finite Interval in the Case of Multiple Roots of the Characteristic Polynomial2005/06/01English2
Asymptotic stability of itô differential systems with retarded argument2000/02/01English2
Analytic Dependence of the Solution of a Linear Differential Equation on Integrable Coefficients2005/05/01English2
On a Differential Equation with a Higher-Order Partial Derivative in Three-Dimensional Space2005/05/01English2
An Orthonormal Basis in Sobolev-Slobodetskii Spaces on an Interval2005/04/01English2
On Global Positive Solutions of Parabolic Equations with a Sign-Indefinite Nonlinearity2005/04/01English2
A Periodic Singularly Perturbed Problem for the Matrix Riccati Equation2005/04/01English2
On a Method for Approximate Analysis of Linear Stochastic Integro-Differential Systems2005/09/01English2
On Eigenfunction Expansions Associated with the Schrodinger Operator with a Singular Potential2005/02/01English2
On a Class of Systems of Linear and Nonlinear Fredholm Integral Equations of the Third Kind with Multipoint Singularities2018/03/01English2