Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Effect of Elastic and Plastic Deformations on the Coercive Force of Porous Ferromagnetic Materials2005/10/01English4
Development of an acoustoelectric method for determining the porosity of dielectric materials2007/02/01English4
The Structure and the Magnetic and Mechanical Properties of Steel M74 and the Possibility of Nondestructive Testing of Heat-Treatment-Hardened Rails2005/06/01English4
Diagnostics of the predestruction state based on amplitude and time invariants of the flow of acoustic-emission acts2004/08/01English4
Pit-depth measurement on large diameter pipes by tangential radiography using a Co-60 gamma-ray source2004/11/01English4
Acoustic nondestructive testing of rods using multiple reflections2004/08/01English4
Inhomogeneity of magnetic properties of an anisotropic electrical steel and specific features of dislocation structures2004/11/01English4
The relationship of acoustic-emission signals with the processes of deformation and fracture of building structures2004/11/01English4
Thermal imaging investigations of the temperature fields on the surface of a welded item during manual arc welding with coated electrodes2011/11/01English4
Experimental study of the nonlinear effects generated in a concrete structure with damaged integrity2013/09/01English4
A Set for Magnetic Fluorescent-Penetrant Inspection2005/03/01English4
Real-Time Ultrasonic Monitoring of the Vulcanization Process in Nitrile Rubbers2021/12/01English4
An ultrasonic flaw-classification system with wavelet-packet decomposition, a mutative scale chaotic genetic algorithm, and a support vector machine and its application to petroleum-transporting pipelines2006/03/01English3
2D defect reconstruction from MFL signals by a genetic optimization algorithm2005/12/01English3
Effect of aging and plastic deformation on the mechanical, magnetic, and thermal properties of cobalt-containing invars2005/12/01English3
The Effect of a Damper on the Duration of an Acoustic Pulse Emitted by a Multilayered Transducer into a Solid Medium2005/07/01English3
Topography of the field of a slot upon nonlinear magnetization2004/10/01English3
Diagnostics of the predestruction state based on amplitude and time invariants of the flow of acoustic-emission acts2004/08/01English3
The effect of volumetric defectiveness on the spatiotemporal characteristics of an electromagnetic response during acoustoelectric transformations in dielectric specimens2012/02/01English3
Optimization of the Cascade Feed Forward Back Propagation network for defect classification in ultrasonic images2016/10/01English3
Ultrasonic pulse and resonance method–evaluation of the degree of damage to the internal structure of repair mortars caused by exposure to high temperatures2017/10/01English3
Inspection of 6X19 seale preformed haulage rope by nondestructive technique2009/02/01English3
The Modern Status of Inspection of Certain Magnetic Characteristics of Anisotropic Electrical Steel (Review)2005/10/01English3
An Effect of Nonferromagnetic Gaps on the Magnetic Properties of Stacks of Steel Plates with Different Values of Magnetic Hardness: II. An Attachable Electromagnet2005/03/01English3
Research on a Recognition Algorithm for Offshore-Pipeline Defects during Magnetic-Flux Inspection2005/04/01English3
Magnetosensitive transducers for nondestructive testing operating on the basis of the giant magnetoimpedance effect: A review2009/06/01English3
Application acoustic emission method during concrete frost resistance2014/02/01English3
Determination of the reflector type from an image reconstructed using echo signals measured with ultrasonic antenna arrays2014/03/01English3
Structure and Barkhausen effect parameters of amorphous alloys after various heat treatments2004/09/01English3
Numerical Simulation of the Inverse Problem of Magnetostatic Flaw Detection2005/11/01English3