Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Once more on parastatistics2014/12/01English14
Radiation-acoustic control over the thermal parameter of construction materials irradiated by intense relativistic electron beams2014/05/01English5
Gemma experiment: The results of neutrino magnetic moment search2013/03/01English4
Measurement of the energy resolution and calibration of hybrid pixel detectors with GaAs:Cr sensor and Timepix readout chip2015/01/01English3
Simulating the radiation transformations in rocks-potential media for radioactive waste disposal2009/09/01English3
High-Current Electron-Beam Transport in the LIA-5 Linear Induction Accelerator2020/03/01English3
Automation system for measurement of gamma-ray spectra of induced activity for multi-element high volume neutron activation analysis at the reactor IBR-2 of Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics at the joint institute for nuclear research2014/11/01English3
Automation of the quantitative determination of elemental content in samples using neutron activation analysis on the IBR-2 reactor at the frank laboratory for neutron physics, joint institute for nuclear research2013/01/01English3
Solutions of the Duffin–Kemmer Equation in Non-Commutative Space of Cosmic String and Magnetic Monopole with Allowance for the Aharonov–Bohm and Coulomb Potentials2019/05/01English2
Edgeworth versus Gram-Charlier series: x-Cumulant and probability density tests2011/12/01English2
Moving system with speeded-up evolution2009/01/01English2
The extended quark sigma model at finite temperature and baryonic chemical potential2013/12/01English2
Technical facilities for improving the quality of irradiation of materials by ELV accelerators2014/09/01English2
QCD analysis of the F 3 structure function based on inverse Mellin transform in analytic perturbation theory2017/01/01English2
Testing calculation results of Cherenkov radiation flux from extensive air showers using CORSIKA2012/09/15English2
Astrophysical S-factor of T(4He, γ)7Li reaction at E cm = 15.7 keV2017/07/01English2
Electron scattering on hydrogen and deuterium molecules at 14–25 keV by the “Troitsk nu-mass” experiment2017/11/01English2
Simulation of the microtron electron beam profile formation using flattening filters2016/12/01English2
NIIEFA accelerators for applied purposes2016/12/01English2
Investigating the Cherenkov light lateral distribution function for primary proton and iron nuclei in extensive air showers2015/11/01English2
Neutron radiography and tomography facility at IBR-2 reactor2016/05/01English1
Diagnostic technique applied for FEL electron bunches2016/05/01English1
Approximate path integral solution for a Dirac particle in a deformed Hulthén potential2017/05/01English1
Tests of the space gamma spectrometer prototype at the JINR experimental facility with different types of neutron generators2017/07/01English1
Threshold Collision Energy of the QCD Phase Diagram Tricritical Endpoint2018/05/01English1
Status and upgrade of the VEPP-4 storage-ring facility2016/12/01English1
New electronic control systems for ILU accelerators, initiating the development of unique irradiation systems based on them2016/12/01English1
Integrability of Calogero–Coulomb problems2017/03/01English1
Middleware for big data processing: test results2017/11/24English1
Forecasting daily passenger traffic volumes in the Moscow metro2018/01/01English1