Native American and Indigenous Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Force of Exceptionalist Narratives in the Israeli—Palestinian Conflict2014/01/01English
Decolonizing Museums: Representing Native America in National and Tribal Museums by Amy Lonetree (review)2014/03/01English
The Community Became an Almost Civilized and Christian One: John Stewart’s Mission to the Wyandots and Religious Colonialism as African American Racial Uplift2016/03/01English
Islanders: The Pacific in the Age of Empire by Nicholas Thomas (review)2014/03/01English
Hakaru Maruumatu Kwitaka? Seeking Representational Jurisdiction in Comancher�a Cinema2018/03/01English
Racism, Popular Culture, and the Everyday Rosebud Reservation2019/01/01English
Victims of Benevolence: The Dark Legacy of the Williams Lake Residential School (review)2014/01/01English
Ka Pae Hawaii: Charting Indigenous Community in a Multicentered World2022/09/01English
Our Fires Still Burn: The Native American Experience (review)2014/01/01English
“Bending the Light” toward Survivance: Anishinaabec-Led Youth Theater on Residential Schools2015/09/01English
Photographing the Places of Citizenship: The 1922 Crow Industrial Survey2015/09/01English
“Descendants of the Original Lords of the Soil”: Indignation, Disobedience, and Women Who Jig on Sundays2020/09/01English
Americanization on Native Terms: The Society of American Indians, Citizenship Debates, and Tropes of "Racial Difference"2019/01/01English
At Home on the Mauna: Ecological Violence and Fantasies of Terra Nullius on Maunakea’s Summit2019/01/01English
"Nuclear Hemorrhage: Enewetok Does Not Forget"2022/09/01English
Telling It to the Judge: Taking Native History to Court (review)2014/01/01English
Native Performers in Wild West Shows: From Buffalo Bill to Euro Disney by Linda Scarangella McNenly (review)2014/03/01English
The Erotic in Contemporary Native Women’s Poetry in Canada2015/09/01English
Introduction: Indigeneity, Palestine, and Israel2014/01/01English
A People and a Nation: New Directions in Contemporary Métis Studies ed. by Jennifer Adese and Chris Andersen (review)2022/09/01English
Native Providence: Memory, Community, and Survivance in the Northeast by Patricia E. Rubertone (review)2022/09/01English
Cultural Survival in Action: Ola Cassadore Davis and the Struggle for dzi nchaa si'an (Mount Graham)2014/01/01English
Traje ’s Future: Gendered Paths in Guatemala2015/03/01English
Mapping Indigenous Land: Native Land Grants in Colonial New Spain by Ana Pulido Rull (review)2022/09/01English
The Incredible 25th Year of Mitzi Bearclaw dir. by Shelley Niro (review)2022/09/01English
Atlas for a Destroyed World: Frank Day's Painting as Work of Nonvital Revitalization2021/03/01English
Doodem and Council Fire: Anishinaabe Governance through Alliance by Heidi Bohaker (review)2022/09/01English
Inter/Nationalism from the Holy Land to the New World: Encountering Palestine in American Indian Studies2014/01/01English
I've Been Here All the While: Black Freedom on Native Land by Alaina E. Roberts (review)2022/09/01English
Editors’ Remarks2020/03/01English