The Kelp Highway Hypothesis: Marine Ecology, the Coastal Migration Theory, and the Peopling of the Americas | 2007/10/30 | English | 163 |
Oceans, Islands, and Coasts: Current Perspectives on the Role of the Sea in Human Prehistory | 2006/07/01 | English | 141 |
Coastlines, Submerged Landscapes, and Human Evolution: The Red Sea Basin and the Farasan Islands | 2007/10/30 | English | 85 |
Attractive Ideas, Desirable Goods: Examining the Late Ceramic Age Relationships between Greater and Lesser Antillean Societies | 2008/05/05 | English | 82 |
Cultural Heritage at Risk in the Twenty-First Century: A Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Archaeological Sites in the United States | 2015/03/12 | English | 80 |
Early State Formation in Southern Mesopotamia: Sea Levels, Shorelines, and Climate Change | 2006/07/01 | English | 70 |
Sea Nomads of the Beagle Channel in Southernmost South America: Over Six Thousand Years of Coastal Adaptation and Stability | 2009/05/01 | English | 64 |
Racing a Rising Tide: Global Warming, Rising Seas, and the Erosion of Human History | 2008/10/27 | English | 61 |
Ecology of the Kelp Highway: Did Marine Resources Facilitate Human Dispersal From Northeast Asia to the Americas? | 2015/02/19 | English | 57 |
The Emergence of Muge Mesolithic Shell Middens in Central Portugal and the 8200 cal yr BP Cold Event | 2010/04/16 | English | 57 |
Coastal Changes and Cultural Heritage (1): Assessment of the Vulnerability of the Coastal Heritage in Western France | 2012/05/01 | English | 54 |
Coastal Subsistence, Maritime Trade, and the Colonization of Small Offshore Islands in Eastern African Prehistory | 2016/05/03 | English | 51 |
Large Shell Middens and Hunter-Gatherer Resource Intensification Along the West Coast of South Africa: The Elands Bay Case Study | 2012/01/01 | English | 44 |
Islands Under the Sea: A Review of Early Modern Human Dispersal Routes and Migration Hypotheses Through Wallacea | 2015/12/21 | English | 43 |
Impact Assessment of Current and Future Sea-Level Change on Coastal Archaeological Resources—Illustrated Examples From Northern Newfoundland | 2011/09/01 | English | 42 |
Marginalization of the Margins: The Importance of Smaller Islands in Human Prehistory | 2016/05/03 | English | 41 |
The Pottery Trail From Southeast Asia to Remote Oceania | 2013/01/01 | English | 38 |
Kisar and the Archaeology of Small Islands in the Wallacean Archipelago | 2018/05/25 | English | 38 |
Islands of Isolation: Archaeology and the Power of Aquatic Perimeters | 2008/05/05 | English | 36 |
History, Complex Hunter-gatherers, and the Mounds and Monuments of Crystal River, Florida, USA: A Geophysical Perspective | 2010/04/16 | English | 36 |
Recent Progress, Trends, and Developments in Island and Coastal Archaeology | 2015/01/02 | English | 35 |
A Bird's Eye View of Northern Coast Salish Intertidal Resource Management Features, Southern British Columbia, Canada | 2012/05/01 | English | 35 |
Though She Be But Little: Resource Resilience, Amerindian Foraging, and Long-Term Adaptive Strategies in the Grenadines, West Indies | 2016/05/03 | English | 34 |
Understanding Variability in Northwest Coast Faunal Assemblages: Beyond Economic Intensification and Cultural Complexity | 2012/01/01 | English | 34 |
Stable Isotopes from Marine Shells, Ancient Environments, and Human Subsistence on Middle Holocene Santa Rosa Island, California, USA | 2006/12/01 | English | 34 |
Human Colonization of the Palau Islands, Western Micronesia | 2006/12/01 | English | 34 |
Historical Ecology and Biogeography of North Pacific Pinnipeds: Isotopes and Ancient DNA from Three Archaeological Assemblages | 2006/12/01 | English | 33 |
Refining Earliest Settlement in Remote Oceania: Renewed Archaeological Investigation at Unai Bapot, Saipan | 2008/05/05 | English | 33 |
Submerged Prehistoric Landscapes and Underwater Site Discovery: Reevaluating the ‘Danish Model’ for International Practice | 2010/09/10 | English | 32 |
Guinea Pigs in the Pre-Columbian West Indies | 2014/01/01 | English | 31 |