History and Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Primacy of Science in Modernity, of Technology in Postmodernity, and of Ideology in the History of Technology2007/03/01English116
The usefulness of evolutionary models for explaining innovation. The case of the Netherlands in the nineteenth century1998/04/01English99
From innovation to use: Ten eclectic theses on the historiography of technology1999/01/01English66
Knowledge and professional identity in engineering: code‐switching and the metrics of progress2004/12/01English63
Foucault and Technology2013/03/01English62
Will small be beautiful? Making policies for our nanotech future2005/06/01English51
Europe, technology, and colonialism in the 20th century2005/03/01English50
Thirty years of science studies: knowledge, society and the political2004/12/01English34
Engineering Education between Science and Practice: Rethinking the Historiography2006/03/01English31
Infrastructural Europeanism, or the project of building Europe on infrastructures: an introduction2011/09/01English30
InterNyet: why the Soviet Union did not build a nationwide computer network2008/12/01English27
Projects as a focus for historical analysis: surveying the landscape2014/10/02English26
Environing technologies: a theory of making environment2018/04/03English26
Introduction: Risk and ‘Risk Society’ in Historical Perspective2007/12/01English26
Risk, prevention and the breast cancer continuum: The NCI, the FDA, health activism and the pharmaceutical industry2002/01/01English25
‘Patenting in the public interest:’ administration of insulin patents by the University of Toronto2008/06/01English24
Public Health and Pesticide Regulation in France Before and AfterSilent Spring2007/12/01English24
Engineers and engineering history: problems and perspectives2004/12/01English23
Y2K: Millennial reflections on computers as infrastructure1998/09/01English23
Re‐writing the ‘book of blots’: Critical reflections on histories of technological ‘failure’1998/07/01English22
What is technology? The issue of its origins and definitions∗1984/01/01English19
Depth records and ocean volumes: Ocean profiling by sounding technology, 1850-19302002/01/01English18
An oasis in a watery desert? Discourses on an industrial ecosystem in the Gulf of Mexico Rigs‐to‐Reefs program2009/12/01English18
Global Regulation: Controlling and Accepting Radioactivity Risks2007/12/01English18
Nation, Knowledge, and Imagined Futures: Science, Technology, and Nation-Building, Post-19452015/07/03English17
The strath report: britain confronts the H‐Bomb, 1954–19552003/09/01English17
Atoms in wonderland2003/09/01English17
The pharmaceutical industry in the twentieth century: A reappraisal of the sources of innovation1996/01/01English17
On thick ice: scientific internationalism and Antarctic affairs, 1957–19802008/12/01English16