Discrete Applied Mathematics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Resistance distances and the Kirchhoff index in Cayley graphs2011/10/01English54
A set-covering based heuristic algorithm for the periodic vehicle routing problem2014/01/01English54
The matching energy of a graph2012/10/01English54
Discrete tomography by convex–concave regularization and D.C. programming2005/10/01English53
Further results on atom-bond connectivity index of trees2010/07/01English53
First vs. best improvement: An empirical study2006/04/01English53
A new formulation for the Traveling Deliveryman Problem2008/10/01English53
Locating and total dominating sets in trees2006/05/01English53
Fisher information distance: A geometrical reading2015/12/01English52
An adaptive memory algorithm for the k-coloring problem2008/01/01English52
Necessary conditions for multistationarity in discrete dynamical systems2007/11/01English52
On atom–bond connectivity index of connected graphs2011/09/01English52
Identifying critical nodes in undirected graphs: Complexity results and polynomial algorithms for the case of bounded treewidth2013/11/01English51
Digital straightness—a review2004/04/01English51
Pareto-optimal patterns in logical analysis of data2004/11/01English51
Variable space search for graph coloring2008/07/01English51
Complexity results related to monophonic convexity2010/06/01English51
A note on power domination in grid graphs2006/04/01English51
An iterated local search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with convex time penalty functions2008/06/01English50
The restrictedh-connectivity of the data center network DCell2016/04/01English49
Matching interdiction2010/08/01English49
Rainbow domination on trees2010/01/01English49
A cutting plane algorithm for graph coloring2008/01/01English49
Extremal values on the eccentric distance sum of trees2013/11/01English49
Complexity of minimizing the total flow time with interval data and minmax regret criterion2006/10/01English48
Sequential testing of complex systems: a review2004/08/01English48
Paths, trees and matchings under disjunctive constraints2011/09/01English48
A multi-level search strategy for the 0–1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem2010/01/01English48
On the inverse sum indeg index2015/03/01English48
Advances on sorting by reversals2007/04/01English47