Jornal Vascular Brasileiro

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Malformações arteriovenosas pulmonares na síndrome de Rendu-Osler-Weber2024/01/01
Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations in Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome2024/01/01
Discriminative value of pulse wave velocity for arterial stiffness and cardiac injury in prediabetic patients2023/01/01
Right iliac arteriovenous fistula due to aneurysm rupture and left iliac artery aneurysm: hybrid treatment2023/01/01
Fístula arteriovenosa ilíaca à direita por rotura de aneurisma e aneurisma de artéria ilíaca esquerda: tratamento híbrido2023/01/01
Evaluation of seasonal and monthly variation and location of deep vein thrombosis2023/01/01
Prolonged Doppler US-guided pneumatic compression of a radial artery pseudoaneurysm after percutaneous coronary intervention: a simple and effective solution for a rare and challenging problem2023/01/01
MTHFR 677C>T (rsRS1801133) variant is associated with hyperhomocysteinemia but not with clinical severity in patients with peripheral arterial disease2023/01/01
Duplex ultrasound and pedal acceleration time as tools to evaluate foot perfusion: a literature review2024/01/01
Superficial venous arterialization with the great saphenous vein in situ: a single-center experience2024/01/01
Multiple variation of right renal and gonadal vascularization: report of two cases2024/01/01
Lipectomia como alternativa de superficialização de fístula arteriovenosa autóloga em pacientes obesos: a experiência de um centro de referência na Amazônia2024/01/01
Arterialização venosa superficial com veia safena magna in situ: a experiência de um único centro2024/01/01
Lipectomy as an alternative for superficialization of autologous AVF in obese patients: experience of a referral center in Amazon2024/01/01
Combined superior mesenteric artery syndrome and nutcraker syndrome presenting as acute pancreatitis: a case report2023/01/01
Influence of compression therapy following varicose vein surgery: a prospective randomized study2023/01/01
Deep venous thrombosis of the contralateral iliac vein after stenting of the iliocaval confluence: a therapeutic challenge2023/01/01
Tratamento endovascular de aneurisma de artéria isquiática bilateral com stent recoberto autoexpansível Covera® - relato de caso2023/01/01
When and how to treat isolated visceral artery dissections – protocol proposal2023/01/01
Trombose venosa profunda de veia ilíaca contralateral após stent venoso posicionado na confluência ilíaco-cava: um desafio terapêutico2023/01/01
Carcinoma espinocelular sobre cicatriz de fístula arteriovenosa: relato de caso2023/01/01
Endovascular repair of bilateral sciatic artery aneurysm with Covera® self expandable covered stents - case report2023/01/01
Severe ischemic gastritis caused by chronic mesenteric ischemia2023/01/01
Fatores preditivos de infecção em pacientes renais crônicos em uso de cateteres venosos centrais2023/01/01
Management of traumatic superficial palmar arch pseudoaneurysm: a therapeutic challenge2023/01/01
Effects of aerobic and combined training on pain-free walking distance and health-related quality of life in patients with peripheral artery disease: a randomized clinical trial2023/01/01
Gastrite isquêmica grave por isquemia mesentérica crônica2023/01/01
Predictive factors of infection in patients with chronic kidney disease using hemodialysis catheters2023/01/01
Endovascular management of bilateral renal angiomyolipoma in a perimenopausal woman2023/01/01
Association between platelet lymphocyte ratio and neutrophil lymphocyte ratio and clinical outcomes following carotid endarterectomy2023/01/01