Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: The impact of the MSCI ESG Ratings on Korean Firms2013/11/30English6
A Study on the Knowledge, Attitude and Nursing practice of the nurses-towards the Elderly in Geriatric Hospitals2013/11/30English4
Study on Self-efficacy, Communication competency, Critical thinking disposition and Clinical performance ability of nursing students2016/06/30English4
Chemical Characteristics and Particle Size Distribution of PM10in Iron and Steel Industrial Complex2012/11/30English4
Physical activity level, sleep quality, attention control and self-regulated learning along to smartphone addiction among college students2015/01/31English4
The Validity, Reliability and Discriminative Index of the Korean Version of Modified Barthel Index(K-MBI) in Stroke Patients2012/09/30English3
Development of Prediction Model for Depression among Parents with Disabled Children: Based on the Mediation Effect of Social Supports and Family Resilience2016/02/29English3
Comparison of the Lateral Earth Pressure on the Retaining Wall with the Relieving Platform by Model test and Numerical Analysis2012/05/31English3
A Study on the Optimal Allocation of Maintenance Personnel in the Naval Ship Maintenance System2015/03/31English3
Relationship Between the Physical Activity Levels and Health Care Utilization in Korean Elderly2015/01/31English3
The Effects of Clinical Nurses' Resilience and Social Problem-Solving Ability on Burnout2015/02/28English3
Phenolic Contents and Antioxidant Activities of Six Edible Seaweeds2013/06/30English3
Reliability and Validity of the Balancia using Wii Balance Board for Assessment of Balance with Stroke Patients2013/06/30English3
A study on Symptom Experience, Spiritual Well-Being, and Depression in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis2016/05/31English3
Factors Influencing Satisfaction on Clinical Practice in Nursing Students2017/01/31English3
Temperature and length of cold storage affect the Quality Maintenance of fresh kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch)2017/01/31English3
A Relevance on Health Perception, Health Knowledge and Health Promotion Behavior of the University students2015/08/31English3
The Influence of Nursing Students' Learning Experience, Recognition of Importance and Learning Self-efficacy for Core Fundamental Nursing Skills on their Self-confidence2016/08/31English3
A Study on Actual Condition of Diving Safety before Scuba Diving and during Scuba Diving According to Scuba Diver's Characteristics2015/02/28English2
The influence of Cognitive Coping on Sick Role Behavioral Compliance and Depression, Satisfaction with Life in Hemodialysis Patients2015/02/28English2
Hospital Nurse Turnover Rate and Structural Characteristics of Hospital2015/01/31English2
The Effect of Team Feedback Environment on Thriving at Work and Team Commitment through Feedback-Seeking Behavior2015/05/31English2
The Relationship among Gender-Role Identity, Gender Stereotype, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Male Nurses2014/05/31English2
The differences of dietary and health-related habits, depression, eating disorder and nutrient intake according to the life stress in nursing college students2014/01/31English2
Affecting Factors on Clinical Competence of Nursing Students2013/09/30English2
The Relationship between Emotional intelligence and Communication skill, Clinical competence & Clinical practice stress in Nursing Students2013/06/30English2
Predictors of Empathy for Nursing Students2017/01/31English2
Anti-Reflection Coating Technology Based High Refractive Index Lens with Ultra-Violet Rays Blocking Function2016/12/31English2
The effect of pilates exercises on isokinetic muscular strength and balance in lower limb's for young aged women2016/11/30English2
The relationship between the character, interpersonal relations, and adjustment to a college life of nursing students2016/12/31English2