Journal of Comparative Physiology A

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The effect of genotype, age, sex, and caste on response thresholds to sucrose and foraging behavior of honey bees ( Apis mellifera L.)1999/08/15144
The effects of rearing temperature on developmental stability and learning and memory in the honey bee, Apis mellifera2005/07/28English143
Acoustic detection and communication by decapod crustaceans2001/04/05142
Neurogenesis and neuronal regeneration in the adult fish brain2006/02/07English142
Octopamine influences division of labor in honey bee colonies2001/03/08141
Central complex substructures are required for the maintenance of locomotor activity in Drosophila melanogaster1999/10/14138
Nociceptors: a phylogenetic view2009/10/11English135
Biogenic amines and division of labor in honey bee colonies1999/06/09134
How silent is the brain: is there a “dark matter” problem in neuroscience?2006/03/21English131
Sex pheromone mimicry in the early spider orchid ( Ophrys sphegodes ): patterns of hydrocarbons as the key mechanism for pollination by sexual deception2000/06/28129
Movement and sound generation by the toadfish swimbladder2001/06/01128
A circadian pacemaker in free-living chipmunks: essential for survival?2000/02/23126
Olfactory receptors in aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates1998/11/19125
Dancing bees tune both duration and rate of waggle-run production in relation to nectar-source profitability2000/10/16124
Signalling through acoustic windows: nightingales avoid interspecific competition by short-term adjustment of song timing2006/08/19English123
Tactile learning and the individual evaluation of the reward in honey bees ( Apis mellifera L.)1999/08/09122
Frequency and periodicity are represented in orthogonal maps in the human auditory cortex: evidence from magnetoencephalography1997/12/11120
Acute and chronic effects of an aromatase inhibitor on territorial aggression in breeding and nonbreeding male song sparrows2000/07/25English119
Molecular biology of insect olfaction:recent progress and conceptual models2005/08/11English118
Host plant volatiles synergize responses of sex pheromone-specific olfactory receptor neurons in male Helicoverpa zea2002/04/12English117
Visual ecology of flies with particular reference to colour vision and colour preferences2014/03/25English114
Mechanisms, functions and ecology of colour vision in the honeybee2014/05/15English114
Energy metabolism, testosterone and corticosterone in white-crowned sparrows1999/11/15113
The communicative potential of bat echolocation pulses2010/08/05English111
Multimodal signals in ant communication1999/03/03110
Atmospheric conditions create freeways, detours and tailbacks for migrating birds2017/05/15English109
Spectral organization of the eye of a butterfly, Papilio2003/11/01109
Cannibalism and early capping: strategy of honeybee colonies in times of experimental pollen shortages2001/09/01107
The relative importance of olfaction and vision in a diurnal and a nocturnal hawkmoth2005/12/28English105
Effect of pheromones, hormones, and handling on sucrose response thresholds of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.)2003/08/07English104