Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Application of Evidence Theory for Training Fuzzy Neural Networks in Diagnostic Systems2023/09/01English
Nonparametric System for Automatic Classification of Large-Scale Statistical Data2023/09/01English
The Method of Automatic Construction of Training Collections for the Task of Abstractive Summarization of News Articles2023/09/01English
Minimization of Empirical Risk as a Means of Choosing the Number of Hypotheses in Algebraic Machine Learning2023/09/01English
The Study of Retraining in Algebraic Machine Learning2023/09/01English
A Method of Optimal Control of a Technical System or Process Using the Neural Network Model and the Thompson Sampling Algorithm2023/09/01English
The Inference Method for a Mamdani Type System with Nonsingleton Fuzzification2023/09/01English
OntoMathEdu Educational Ontology: Problems of Ontological Engineering2023/09/01English
Intelligent System for Prescribing Personalized Treatment by Analogy2023/09/01English
Development of a System for Detecting an Unsuitable Marble Stone by Using Convolutional Neural Networks2023/09/01English
Exploring Opportunities to Identify Abnormal Behavior of Data Center Users Based on Machine Learning Models2023/09/01English
Expansion of the Functionality of the Intellectual Psychological and Forensic System to Solve New Problems2023/09/01English
Formation of Digital Patient-Oriented Recommendations Based on Multilevel Granulation2023/09/01English
Vibrating Machine Rotors Speed Control Using Heuristic Algorithm2023/09/01English
Application of Intelligent Methods of Correlation of System Events in Predictive Analysis of Security States of Objects of Critical Infrastructure2023/09/01English
Application of Optimum Adaptive Generalized Predictive Control to Green Tea Drying2023/09/01English
Modern Architectures of Intelligent Tutoring Systems Based on Integrated Expert Systems: Features of the Approach to the Automated Formation of the Ontological Space of Knowledge and Skills of Students2023/09/01English
Semantic Technologies for the Development of Immersive Virtual Environments with Biofeedback2023/09/01English
A World Model for Actor–Critic in Reinforcement Learning2023/09/01English
Forming Knowledge Bases in Accordance with Ontological Agreements on an Intelligent Systems Development Platform2023/09/01English
Argument Extraction Based on the Indicator Approach2023/09/01English
Selection of Tools for Preprocessing and Thematic Modeling of Scientific Articles from the Data Lake2023/09/01English
Experience of Using Content Patterns in the Development of Ontologies of Scientific Subject Areas2023/09/01English
An Intelligent Decision Support System for Naval Logistics2023/09/01English
Extension of Metagraph Model on the Basis of Protograph Approach2023/09/01English
Basic Trends of Decentralized Artificial Intelligence2023/09/01English
Assessment of the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death Using Machine Learning Methods2023/09/01English
Estimating the Quality of a Selection of Scientific Papers Using a Collection of Short Texts2023/09/01English
Creation of Prototypes of Case-Based Knowledge Bases Using Transformations of Decision Tables to Predict the Risk of Forest Fires2023/09/01English
Artificial Intelligence: Problems, Solutions, and Prospects2023/09/01English