Nuclear Materials and Energy

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Cracking behavior of tungsten armor under ELM-like thermal shock loads: A computational study2015/03/01English28
Neutral pressure and separatrix density related models for seed impurity divertor radiation in ASDEX Upgrade2019/01/01English28
Evaluation of helium effect on ion-irradiation hardening in pure tungsten by nano-indentation method2016/12/01English28
Energy balance in plasma detachment2017/08/01English28
Tungsten fibre-reinforced composites for advanced plasma facing components2017/08/01English28
Structural impact of creep in tungsten monoblock divertor target at 20 MW/m 22018/01/01English27
Influence of helium induced nanostructures on the thermal shock performance of tungsten2016/12/01English27
Broadening of the power fall-off length in a high density, high confinement H-mode regime in ASDEX Upgrade2021/03/01English27
Micro mechanical testing of candidate structural alloys for Gen-IV nuclear reactors2018/08/01English26
Deuterium retention in tungsten simultaneously damaged by high energy W ions and loaded by D atoms2017/08/01English26
Tungsten melting and erosion under plasma heat load in tokamak discharges with disruptions2017/08/01English26
Irradiation effects of hydrogen and helium plasma on different grade tungsten materials2017/08/01English26
TCV divertor upgrade for alternative magnetic configurations2017/08/01English26
Quantitatively measuring the influence of helium in plasma-exposed tungsten2017/08/01English26
Annealing effects on deuterium retention behavior in damaged tungsten2016/12/01English26
Surface modification and sputtering erosion of reduced activation ferritic martensitic steel F82H exposed to low-energy, high flux deuterium plasma2016/05/01English26
Microstructural defects in EUROFER 97 after different neutron irradiation conditions2016/12/01English26
Behavior of tungsten fiber-reinforced tungsten based on single fiber push-out study2016/12/01English25
Plasma impact on diagnostic mirrors in JET2017/08/01English25
Impact of ICRF on the scrape-off layer and on plasma wall interactions: From present experiments to fusion reactor2019/01/01English25
Oxide particle coarsening at temperature over 1473 K in 9CrODS steel2016/12/01English25
Surface roughness effect on Mo physical sputtering and re-deposition in the linear plasma device PSI-2 predicted by ERO2.02019/05/01English25
Molecular activated recombination in divertor simulation plasma on GAMMA 10/PDX2017/08/01English25
Experimental evaluation of cold spray FeCrAl alloys coated zirconium-alloy for potential accident tolerant fuel cladding2019/12/01English25
Linear scaling DFT calculations for large tungsten systems using an optimized local basis2018/05/01English25
Design description and validation results for the IFMIF High Flux Test Module as outcome of the EVEDA phase2016/12/01English25
Impact of drifts on divertor power exhaust in DIII-D2019/05/01English24
Inter-ELM pedestal localized fluctuations in tokamaks: Summary of multi-machine observations2019/05/01English24
Stationarity of I-mode operation and I-mode divertor heat fluxes on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak2019/01/01English24
Nano-indentation of ion-irradiated nuclear structural materials: A review2020/01/01English24