International Journal of Primatology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Evolutionary Consequences of Fallback Foods2007/12/01English272
Facial Skin Coloration Affects Perceived Health of Human Faces2009/10/26English170
Influence of Ecological and Social Factors on Body Mass of Wild Chimpanzees2005/02/01English159
Noninvasive Assessment of Gastrointestinal Parasite Infections in Free-Ranging Primates2006/08/11English146
Methods in Primate Nutritional Ecology: A User’s Guide2011/12/14English134
Structure and Usage of the Vocal Repertoire of Callithrix jacchus2008/05/31English133
Evolution of Multilevel Social Systems in Nonhuman Primates and Humans2012/07/18English132
Forest Fragmentation Modifies Habitat Quality for Alouatta palliata2006/09/21English125
Design and Analysis of Line Transect Surveys for Primates2010/08/25English119
The Development of Primate Raiding: Implications for Management and Conservation2010/01/08English111
Where Next? Group Coordination and Collective Decision Making by Primates2011/06/18English107
Lemur Diversity in Madagascar2008/12/01English103
Organization of Group Members at Departure Is Driven by Social Structure in Macaca2008/06/18English101
Vocal Communication in a Fission-Fusion Society: Do Spider Monkeys Stay in Touch With Close Associates?2005/10/01English98
Chest Color and Social Status in Male Geladas (Theropithecus gelada)2009/09/15English96
Studying Primate Color: Towards Visual System-dependent Methods2009/05/19English95
The Implications of Primate Behavioral Flexibility for Sustainable Human–Primate Coexistence in Anthropogenic Habitats2017/04/01English92
Defining Higher Levels in the Multilevel Societies of Geladas (Theropithecus gelada)2012/03/09English87
Innovative Approaches to the Relationship Between Diet and Mandibular Morphology in Primates2012/05/22English87
Sexual Differences in Chimpanzee Sociality2008/01/17English84
Comparative Feeding Ecology of Two Communities of Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in Kibale National Park, Uganda2011/02/02English81
Female Competition over Core Areas in Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii, Kibale National Park, Uganda2008/07/24English80
Do Female Mandrills Prefer Brightly Colored Males?2005/08/01English80
Sexual Skin Color Contains Information About the Timing of the Fertile Phase in Free-ranging Macaca mulatta2009/08/19English79
Feeding Ecology of Propithecus diadema in Forest Fragments and Continuous Forest2007/12/18English78
Flexibility in Diet and Activity Patterns of Macaca tonkeana in Response to Anthropogenic Habitat Alteration2007/03/06English77
Are Primates Ecosystem Engineers?2012/12/05English76
Nutritional Ecology of Ateles chamek in lowland Bolivia: How Macronutrient Balancing Influences Food Choices2009/08/05English76
Severe Aggression Among Female Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii at Gombe National Park, Tanzania2008/07/29English76
Ape Abundance and Habitat Use in the Goualougo Triangle, Republic of Congo2006/02/01English75