The European Physical Journal Applied Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Resonant terahertz transmission in plasmonic arrays of subwavelength holes2008/07/0159
Enhancement of the optical and electrical properties of ITO thin films deposited by electron beam evaporation technique2005/07/1157
Exploitation of a tristable nonlinear oscillator for improving broadband vibration energy harvesting2014/08/2056
Magnetic treatment of industrial water. Silica activation2002/04/0156
Rare earth doped III-nitrides for optoelectronics2006/10/2855
A review-application of physical vapor deposition (PVD) and related methods in the textile industry2015/08/2754
Trajectories of field emitted ions in 3D atom-probe1999/05/0153
Numerical modeling of the transmission of breakdown plasma generated in water during laser shock processing2001/11/0152
Focusing specular neutron reflectometry for small samples2012/03/2351
Structural and optical characterizations of Ni (II) tetraphenyl porphyrin thin films2012/03/0150
Thermoelectric generator placed on the human body: system modeling and energy conversion improvements2010/09/1750
Optical spectroscopy and dispersion parameters of Ge15Se60X25(X = As or Sn) amorphous thin films2013/07/0149
Optimization of morphology of P3HT/PCBM films for organic solar cells: effects of thermal treatments and spin coating solvents2007/01/1749
Preparation and characterization of sprayed FTO thin films2007/06/0147
Hexagonal and honeycomb structures in Dielectric Barrier Discharges2009/04/2847
Sterilization/disinfection of medical devices using plasma: the flowing afterglow of the reduced-pressure N2-O2discharge as the inactivating medium2013/07/0147
Acidity control of the gliding arc treatments of aqueous solutions: application to pollutant abatement and biodecontamination2004/12/2147
Lead-free ferroelectric relaxor ceramics derived from BaTiO32000/07/0146
Carbon nanotube/PEDOT:PSS electrodes for organic photovoltaics2006/12/0146
Gate-induced spin precession in an In0.53Ga0.47As two dimensional electron gas1998/10/0144
A dynamical model for investigation of A3point maximal spatial evolution during resistance spot welding using Boubaker polynomials2008/10/2443
A neutron diffraction study of BaCexZr1−xO32000/01/0142
Pure iron nanoparticles prepared by electric arc discharge method in ethylene glycol2012/09/0141
Multi-converter multi-machine systems: application for electromechanical drives2000/05/0141
Spectral approach to displacement evaluation from image analysis2002/03/0140
About the secondary electron yield and the sign of charging of electron irradiated insulators2001/09/0140
Diagnostic of 13.56 MHz RF sustained Ar–N2plasma by optical emission spectroscopy2009/01/0140
Plasma sterilization of Geobacillus Stearothermophilus by O2:N2RF inductively coupled plasma2006/05/0140
Seeing oxygen disorder in YSZ/SrTiO3colossal ionic conductor heterostructures using EELS2011/06/0139
Electric wind characterisation in negative point-to-plane corona discharges in air2003/02/2539