Journal of Marketing Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Buy-in Benchmark: How Staff Understanding and Commitment Impact Brand and Business Performance1999/11/01English105
Are Loyal Customers Profitable? Customer Satisfaction, Customer (Action) Loyalty and Customer Profitability at the Individual Level2006/04/01English104
Brand Image Transfer Through Sponsorship: A Consumer Learning Perspective2004/04/01English101
Conceptualising and Measuring the Equity of Online Brands2006/08/01English98
A Comparative Study Between UK and US: The Student Satisfaction in Higher Education and its Influential Factors2005/08/01English96
Market Segmentation by Cohorts: The Value and Validity of Cohorts in America and Abroad2000/02/01English94
Towards a history of critical marketing studies2010/08/06English94
Measurement of Service Quality in Internet Banking: The Development of an Instrument2004/02/01English94
Assessing Marketing Performance: Reasons for Metrics Selection2004/04/01English93
Relationship Quality and Customer Retention through Strategic Communication of Customer Skills2000/02/01English92
Mastering the Marketing Communications Mix: Micro and Macro Perspectives on Integrated Marketing Communication Programs2001/08/01English90
Brand Management Paradigms2001/08/01English85
The Past, Present and Future of Relationship Marketing2006/02/01English84
Thinking locally, acting locally? Conscious consumers and farmers’ markets2010/05/17English79
UK Consumer Decision-Making Styles1998/04/01English77
Branded Entertainment: A New Advertising Technique or Product Placement in Disguise?2006/06/01English76
The Link Between Surprise and Satisfaction: An Exploratory Research on how best to Measure Surprise2000/07/01English76
Power Imbalance in UK Agri-Food Supply Channels: Learning to Live with the Supermarkets?2005/02/01English76
Green Marketing: A Theoretical Perspective1998/07/01English72
‘New-wave’ global firms: Web 2.0 and SME internationalisation2010/05/05English72
Stakeholders' Contribution to the Green New Product Development Process1998/07/01English71
The Impact of Nonprofit Brand Orientation on Organisational Performance2006/08/01English71
First-Store Loyalty and Retention2000/04/01English70
The First Four-wheeled Status Symbol: Pram Consumption as a Vehicle for the Construction of Motherhood Identity2006/11/01English70
Market-focused Resources, Competitive Positioning and Firm Performance2001/06/01English69
The 2001 General Election: Factors Influencing the Brand Image of Political Parties and their Leaders2001/11/01English68
The Utility of the Relationship Metaphor in Consumer Markets: A Critical Evaluation1999/10/01English67
The Impact of Cause Branding on Consumer Reactions to Products: Does Product/Cause 'Fit' Really Matter?2004/08/01English67
Determining Consumer Satisfaction and Commitment Through Self-Service Technology and Personal Service Usage2006/08/01English66
Acculturation and Inter-Ethnic Consumer Perceptions: Can You Feel What We Feel?2000/04/01English65