
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ferruginous Conditions: A Dominant Feature of the Ocean through Earth's History2011/04/01English666
Water Management Challenges Associated with the Production of Shale Gas by Hydraulic Fracturing2011/06/01English642
Re-equilibration of Zircon in Aqueous Fluids and Melts2007/02/01English596
CO2 Sequestration in Deep Sedimentary Formations2008/10/01English553
Immobile Element Fingerprinting of Ophiolites2014/04/01English520
Zircon Behaviour and the Thermal Histories of Mountain Chains2007/02/01English489
Ophiolites and Their Origins2014/04/01English444
Mineral Carbonation of CO22008/10/01English394
Rare Earth Elements: Minerals, Mines, Magnets (and More)2012/10/01English390
Crossing Disciplines and Scales to Understand the Critical Zone2007/10/01English387
Gold in Solution2009/10/01English332
Hydrothermal Mobilisation of the Rare Earth Elements - a Tale of "Ceria" and "Yttria"2012/10/01English317
How Does the Continental Crust Get Really Hot?2011/07/25English256
When the Continental Crust Melts2011/07/25English254
Granitic Pegmatites as Sources of Strategic Metals2012/08/01English245
Apatite: A Fingerprint for Metasomatic Processes2015/06/01English237
Stable Isotopes and the Origin of Diamond2005/03/01English226
Serpentinite: What, Why, Where?2013/04/01English219
Arc Magmatic Tempos: Gathering the Evidence2015/03/31English217
Mine Wastes: Past, Present, Future2011/12/01English214
Arsenic in Shallow, Reducing Groundwaters in Southern Asia: An Environmental Health Disaster2006/04/01English205
Large Igneous Provinces and the Mantle Plume Hypothesis2005/12/01English204
Nickel Laterite Ore Deposits: Weathered Serpentinites2013/04/01English203
Spent Nuclear Fuel2006/12/01English198
Structurally Robust, Chemically Diverse: Apatite and Apatite Supergroup Minerals2015/06/01English196
Ceramic Waste Forms for Actinides2006/12/01English195
Magmatic Apatite: A Powerful, Yet Deceptive, Mineral2015/06/01English193
Uranium Mill Tailings: Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and Environmental Impact2006/12/01English191
The Odds and Evens of Mercury Isotopes: Applications of Mass-Dependent and Mass-Independent Isotope Fractionation2009/12/01English187
Diversity of Rare Earth Deposits: The Key Example of China2012/10/01English186