Evaluation and Program Planning

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Defacto client-treatment matching: how clinicians make referrals to outpatient treatments for substance use2000/08/01English
A benefit-cost analysis of a supported employment model for persons with psychiatric disabilities1995/04/01English
Case study methods2001/11/01English
Foundations of empowerment evaluation2001/11/01English
HIV risk reduction among injection drug users: explaining the lack of anticipated outcomes in a community-level controlled comparison study2000/08/01English
Welfare reform after 5 years2001/11/01English
In it for the long haul: the integration of outcomes assessment, clinical services, and management decision-making1999/05/01English
Developing a performance management system for a Federal public health program: the Ryan White CARE ACT Titles I and II2001/05/01English
Effectiveness of outreach to homeless substance abusers1999/08/01English
A review of research methods used to examine employee assistance program delivery options1995/01/01English
Benefit–cost analysis of a modified therapeutic community for mentally ill chemical abusers2002/05/01English
Evaluating development programs: building joint activity2001/11/01English
Author Index2001/11/01English
Role of a psychiatric outcome study in a large scale quality improvement project1999/05/01English
Insider/partnership evaluation: Approach and concept development1996/08/01English
The correlates and predictive validity of HIV risk groups among drug users in a community-based sample: methodological findings from a multi-site cluster analysis2001/05/01English
Measuring use of outpatient care among mentally ill individuals: a comparison of self reports and provider records1999/03/01English
Income generation and Facts for Life communication in Vietnam1998/11/01English
Values in Evaluation and Social Research2000/08/01English
The theory of change and realistic evaluation applied to the evaluation of a transport intervention: The case of the Nottingham Workplace Parking Levy2023/06/01English
Perspectives on quality of life among disability-related organization leaders serving individuals with paralysis2023/06/01English
Simple but not simplistic: Findings from a theory-driven retrospective evaluation of a small projects program2023/04/01English
Evaluating and sustaining Coordinated Specialty Care for a recent onset of psychosis in non-academic-affiliated community mental healthcare settings2023/06/01English
Interrogating assumptions about the relationship between service providers and recipients: Learning from a new service for survivors of In Care Abuse2023/04/01English
Should evaluation be freed from its causal links?1995/04/01English
Improving the quality of evaluations of federal human services national demonstration programs1995/04/01English