Journal of Communication Disorders

Title Publication Date Language Citations
An overview of neural function and feedback control in human communication1998/11/01English
Expressive language development of children exposed to cocaine prenatally2000/11/01English
Possible demographic influences on differentiating normal from aphasic performance2001/01/01English
Neurogenic stuttering versus developmental stuttering2001/09/01English
Temporal characteristics of speech produced by inexperienced signers during simultaneous communication1999/03/01English
Describing the unusual behavior of children with autism1998/03/01English
Is there a self-monitoring speech perception system?1998/11/01English
Novel word acquisition in children with down syndrome2000/05/01English
Neuroimaging studies of speech2001/11/01English
Acoustic studies of dysarthric speech1999/05/01English
Female juvenile delinquents' pragmatic awareness of conversational interactions1999/09/01English
Receptive and expressive language skills in children with cri-du-chat syndrome1998/01/01English
Unilateral auditory temporal resolution deficit1999/09/01English
Communication problems in turner syndrome1999/11/01English
Middle latency response in children with learning disabilities: Preliminary findings1995/03/01English
Injury- and use-related plasticity in the adult auditory system2000/07/01English
Effect of vowel environment on consonant duration2000/01/01English
Discourse analysis procedures: Reliability issues1997/03/01English
An intervention technique for children with autistic spectrum disorder: joint attentional routines1998/03/01English
Pre- and post-operative counseling for laryngectomees and their spouses1999/01/01English
Third person pronoun errors by children with and without language impairment2001/05/01English
Short-term and working memory differences in language/learning disabled and normal adults1997/11/01English
The effect of a dopamine agonist on dysarthric speech production A case study2001/09/01English
Positron emission tomography in cochlear implant and auditory brainstem implant recipients2001/11/01English
Contralateral suppression of otoacoustic emissions—delay of effect?1998/11/01English
Visual feedback in treatment of Residual Phonological disorders1995/12/01English