Biophysical Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Viscoelastic Retraction of Single Living Stress Fibers and Its Impact on Cell Shape, Cytoskeletal Organization, and Extracellular Matrix Mechanics2006/05/01English460
Lipid Bilayer Structure Determined by the Simultaneous Analysis of Neutron and X-Ray Scattering Data2008/09/01English453
Analysis of Binding Reactions by Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching2004/06/01English447
Effect of Lipid Peroxidation on the Properties of Lipid Bilayers: A Molecular Dynamics Study2007/12/01English445
Characterization of Engineered Channelrhodopsin Variants with Improved Properties and Kinetics2009/03/01English443
Distribution of Amino Acids in a Lipid Bilayer from Computer Simulations2008/05/01English432
Macromolecular Size-and-Shape Distributions by Sedimentation Velocity Analytical Ultracentrifugation2006/06/01English430
Biophysical Model of Bacterial Cell Interactions with Nanopatterned Cicada Wing Surfaces2013/02/01English428
Molecularly Engineered PEG Hydrogels: A Novel Model System for Proteolytically Mediated Cell Migration2005/08/01English416
Site-Specific Solvation of the Photoexcited Protochlorophyllide a in Methanol: Formation of the Hydrogen-Bonded Intermediate State Induced by Hydrogen-Bond Strengthening2008/01/01English415
A Multiscale Red Blood Cell Model with Accurate Mechanics, Rheology, and Dynamics2010/05/01English403
Kinetics of Protein-DNA Interaction: Facilitated Target Location in Sequence-Dependent Potential2004/12/01English402
High Resolution Traction Force Microscopy Based on Experimental and Computational Advances2008/01/01English398
Thermodynamics-Based Metabolic Flux Analysis2007/03/01English393
Accurate SAXS Profile Computation and its Assessment by Contrast Variation Experiments2013/08/01English391
Photothermal Nanotherapeutics and Nanodiagnostics for Selective Killing of Bacteria Targeted with Gold Nanoparticles2006/01/01English391
Static and Dynamic Errors in Particle Tracking Microrheology2005/01/01English389
Molecular Dynamics Studies of Polyethylene Oxide and Polyethylene Glycol: Hydrodynamic Radius and Shape Anisotropy2008/08/01English381
Force Microscopy of Nonadherent Cells: A Comparison of Leukemia Cell Deformability2006/04/01English374
Mechanical Properties of Collagen Fibrils2007/08/01English371
DNA Translocation Governed by Interactions with Solid-State Nanopores2008/11/01English371
Following the Formation of Supported Lipid Bilayers on Mica: A Study Combining AFM, QCM-D, and Ellipsometry2005/05/01English368
A Mathematical Treatment of Integrated Ca Dynamics within the Ventricular Myocyte2004/11/01English363
Sonoporation from Jetting Cavitation Bubbles2006/12/01English353
Vertex Models of Epithelial Morphogenesis2014/06/01English350
Contact Guidance Mediated Three-Dimensional Cell Migration is Regulated by Rho/ROCK-Dependent Matrix Reorganization2008/12/01English350
Are Current Molecular Dynamics Force Fields too Helical?2008/07/01English350
Pulsed Interleaved Excitation2005/11/01English348
Membrane Electroporation: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation2005/06/01English345
Spontaneous Synchronization of Coupled Circadian Oscillators2005/07/01English340