IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Two-Point Step Size Gradient Methods1988/01/01English1,468
Computing the nearest correlation matrix--a problem from finance2002/07/01English495
A new approach to variable selection in least squares problems2000/07/01English379
A descent modified Polak–Ribière–Polyak conjugate gradient method and its global convergence2006/10/01English337
Accelerated Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting iteration methods for saddle-point problems2007/01/01English313
A fast algorithm for matrix balancing2012/10/26English253
Descent Property and Global Convergence of the Fletcher—Reeves Method with Inexact Line Search1985/01/01English247
Local error estimates for radial basis function interpolation of scattered data1993/01/01English240
On the Barzilai and Borwein choice of steplength for the gradient method1993/01/01English233
Numerical Solution of the Stable, Non-negative Definite Lyapunov Equation Lyapunov Equation1982/01/01English227
Families of Runge-Kutta-Nystrom Formulae1987/01/01English218
Discretization of heterogeneous and anisotropic diffusion problems on general nonconforming meshes SUSHI: a scheme using stabilization and hybrid interfaces2009/06/16English188
Finite elements on evolving surfaces2007/04/01English187
R-linear convergence of the Barzilai and Borwein gradient method2002/01/01English179
The Numerical Computation of Connecting Orbits in Dynamical Systems1990/01/01English177
The numerical stability of barycentric Lagrange interpolation2004/10/01English176
Numerical Methods for y″ =f(x, y) via Rational Approximations for the Cosine1989/01/01English175
Preconditioned MHSS iteration methods for a class of block two-by-two linear systems with applications to distributed control problems2012/03/25English165
P-stability and exponential-fitting methods for y'' = f(x,y)1996/04/01English164
Robust numerical methods for contingent claims under jump diffusion processes2005/01/01English156
Newton's method on Riemannian manifolds and a geometric model for the human spine2002/07/01English155
On generalized moving least squares and diffuse derivatives2011/09/26English154
On convergence rates for the iteratively regularized Gauss-newton method1997/07/01English153
Superconvergence and extrapolation of non-conforming low order finite elements applied to the Poisson equation2005/01/01English151
Unconditional convergence of the Euler semi-implicit scheme for the three-dimensional incompressible MHD equations2014/04/28English148
Realistic Eigenvalue Bounds for the Galerkin Mass Matrix1987/10/01English132
Convergence rates for sparse chaos approximations of elliptic problems with stochastic coefficients2007/04/01English132
Block preconditioning of real-valued iterative algorithms for complex linear systems2007/11/27English130
High-Order Embedded Runge-Kutta-Nystrom Formulae1987/10/01English128
Finite difference discretization of the cubic Schrödinger equation1993/01/01English126