Sexuality and Disability

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Sexuality of Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy: Experienced Limitations and Needs2010/10/12English41
Sexological Competence of Different Rehabilitation Disciplines and Effects of a Discipline-specific Sexological Training2007/12/11English40
Sexuality in Stroke Care: A Neglected Quality of Life Issue in Stroke Rehabilitation? A Pilot Study2005/12/01English39
Sexuality in People with Intellectual Disability: Review of Literature2017/10/04English39
Sexuality and Women with Spinal Cord Injury2005/03/01English38
Gender Identity Disorder in an Adult Male with Asperger’s Syndrome2005/03/01English38
Beyond the Binary: Rethinking the Social Model of Disabled Sexuality2009/09/19English38
“T@ngled Up in Blue”: Views of Parents and Professionals on Internet Use for Sexual Purposes Among Young People with Intellectual Disabilities2015/09/11English37
Couple’s Experience with Multiple Sclerosis in the Context of their Sexual Relationship2007/09/12English37
Sexual Self-esteem and Body Image of South African Spinal Cord Injured Adolescents2005/03/01English36
Health Care Students’ Attitudes Towards Working with Sexual Health in Their Professional Roles: Survey of Students at Nursing, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Programmes2016/05/12English36
Experiences and Perceptions of Sexuality and HIV/AIDS among Young People with Physical Disabilities in a South African Township: a Case Study2006/05/23English36
Perception of Sex Education for Individuals with Developmental and Cognitive Disability: A Four Cohort Study2009/10/24English35
Characteristics of Sexual Abuse in a Sample of Turkish Children With and Without Mental Retardation, Referred for Legal Appraisal of the Psychological Repercussions2009/10/20English35
Providing Education on Sexuality and Relationships to Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Parents2015/12/08English34
Educators’ Attitudes and Beliefs Towards the Sexuality of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities2011/05/15English34
Conditionally Sexual: Men and Teenage Boys with Moderate to Profound Intellectual Disability2011/03/13English34
A Mindfulness Psychoeducational Group Intervention Targeting Sexual Adjustment for Women with Multiple Sclerosis and Spinal Cord Injury: A Pilot Study2016/01/08English33
The Importance of Sexuality Education for Children With and Without Intellectual Disabilities: What Parents Think2017/11/21English33
The Relationship Between Sexual Quality of Life, Happiness, and Satisfaction with Life in Married Turkish Women2013/05/24English33
The Effectiveness of a Sexuality Training Program for the Interdisciplinary Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Team2005/06/01English33
Women’s Wishes and Need for Knowledge Concerning Sexuality and Relationships in Connection with Gynecological Cancer Disease2008/10/08English33
A Longitudinal Study of Sexuality Training for the Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Team2010/09/02English32
Who’s Missing? Awareness of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People with Intellectual Disability2010/08/12English32
Is Love Blind? Sexual Behavior and Psychological Adjustment of Adolescents with Blindness2006/05/31English32
The Sexuality of Adults with Intellectual Disability in Poland2013/03/17English32
Views and Experiences of People with Intellectual Disabilities Regarding Intimate Relationships: A Qualitative Metasynthesis2017/08/17English31
“Hip to be Crip?” About Crip Theory, Sexuality and People with Intellectual Disabilities2013/01/19English31
Why All the Talk About Sex? An Authoethnography Identifying the Troubling Discourse of Sexuality and Intellectual Disability2013/11/17English31
How do Iranian Women with Breast Cancer Conceptualize Sex and Body Image?2008/08/08English30