Arnold Mathematical Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Twisted Forms of Differential Lie Algebras over $${\mathbb {C}}(t)$$ Associated with Complex Simple Lie Algebras2020/08/18English
Chamber Structure of Modular Curves $$X_{1}(N)$$ X 1 ( N )2018/12/01English
On Generic Semi-simple Decomposition of Dimension Vector for an Arbitrary Quiver2019/03/01English
Protecting Billiard Balls From Collisions2020/02/10English
Fatou’s Associates2020/10/26English
Solvability of Equations by Quadratures and Newton’s Theorem2018/09/14English
Open Problems on Billiards and Geometric Optics2022/01/17English
Conjectures on Stably Newton Degenerate Singularities2021/06/07English
Holomorphic Atiyah–Bott Formula for Correspondences2022/07/05English
Classification of Generic Spherical Quadrilaterals2022/04/26English
Relations Between Escape Regions in the Parameter Space of Cubic Polynomials2022/07/22English
Foreword to the Special Issue Dedicated to Misha Lyubich2020/11/11English
Varieties in Cages: A Little Zoo of Algebraic Geometry2021/09/30English
Element-Building Games on $$\mathbb {Z}_n$$2021/08/18English
Invariant Factors as Limit of Singular Values of a Matrix2022/09/16English
Two-Sided Fundamental Theorem of Affine Geometry2022/03/24English
The Gabrielov–Khovanskii Problem for Polynomials2015/11/27English
Vanishing Cycles and Cartan Eigenvectors2017/04/13English
A Generalisation of the Cauchy–Kovalevskaïa Theorem2016/08/09English
Modular Periodicity of the Euler Numbers and a Sequence by Arnold2017/12/01English
Springer Numbers and Arnold Families Revisited2023/06/01English
A Note on Contact Manifolds with Infinite Fillings2024/03/01English
Kirillov Polynomials for the Exceptional Lie Algebra $$\mathfrak g_{2}$$2024/04/04English
An Observation About Conformal Points on Surfaces2024/04/12English
Newton Polyhedra and Stratified Resolution of Singularities in the Class of Generalized Power Series2023/12/08English
Toric Orbit Spaces Which are Manifolds2024/01/03English
Cohomology of Spaces of Complex Knots2023/10/24English
Euler Characteristics of Collapsing Alexandrov Spaces2024/03/18English
Polynomial Superpotential for Grassmannian $${\text {Gr}}(k,n)$$ from a Limit of Vertex Function2024/03/15English
Self-Similar Groups and Holomorphic Dynamics: Renormalization, Integrability, and Spectrum2023/01/05English