Perception, Non-Propositional Content and the Justification of Perceptual Judgments | 2014/01/07 | English | 2 |
Interrelations and Dissimilarities Between Distinct Approaches to Ontic Vagueness | 2013/05/09 | English | 2 |
Natural Properties and Atomicity in Modal Realism | 2015/05/02 | English | 2 |
Universals: Ways or Things? | 2008/08/22 | English | 2 |
The King of France Restored | 2007/08/03 | English | 2 |
Relevance and Relationalism | 2011/02/25 | English | 2 |
A Critique of Baker’s Constitution View | 2012/09/05 | English | 2 |
Do Material Things Have Intrinsic Properties? | 2010/05/22 | English | 2 |
The Metaphysics of Mixed Inferences: Problems with Functionalist Accounts of Alethic Pluralism | 2010/05/22 | English | 2 |
Explanation in Metaphysics? | 2011/09/08 | English | 2 |
Non-branching Clause | 2010/09/04 | English | 2 |
Causal Truthmaking | 2010/08/07 | English | 2 |
A Uniform, Concretist Metaphysics for Linguistic Types | 2019/09/01 | English | 2 |
Primitive Disclosive Alethism | 2007/06/26 | English | 2 |
Resembling Particulars: What Nominalism? | 2007/08/23 | English | 2 |
A Humean Argument for Personal Identity | 2007/09/29 | English | 2 |
Perdurance, Endurance, and ‘Having a Property Atemporally’ | 2008/05/24 | English | 2 |
Derivative Properties and the Too Many Thinkers Problem | 2014/10/21 | English | 2 |
The Problem of Universals, Realism, and God | 2012/05/17 | English | 2 |
Tropes for Causation | 2009/06/09 | English | 2 |
Worlds, Not Worldviews: Reply to Beillard | 2015/05/14 | English | 2 |
Referential Indeterminacy with an Ontic Source? – A Criticism of Williams’s Defense of Vague Objects | 2015/05/14 | English | 2 |
Does Time Flow, at Any Rate? | 2014/02/01 | English | 2 |
Does a Parsimony Principle Entail a Simple World? | 2011/06/22 | English | 2 |
Constitution and Causation | 2011/11/01 | English | 2 |
A New Challenge for Objective Uncertainties and The Propensity Theorist | 2018/01/24 | English | 2 |
The Non-existence of Ontological Categories: A defence of Lowe | 2016/09/01 | English | 2 |
Molnar on Truthmakers for Negative Truths | 2018/02/16 | English | 2 |
Ryle and Intentionality | 2008/12/06 | English | 2 |
Dispositions, Laws, and Categories | 2007/08/28 | English | 2 |