Materials Science and Engineering: A

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Anisotropic tensile behavior of in situ precipitation strengthened Inconel 718 fabricated by additive manufacturing2017/07/01English258
Densification mechanisms in spark plasma sintering of nanocrystalline ceramics2007/01/01English258
Effects of microstructure on the deformation and fracture of γ-TiAl alloys1995/02/01English257
Microstructure and mechanical properties of CoCrFeNiTiAl high-entropy alloys2009/05/01English256
Flow and fracture characteristics of aluminium alloy AA5083–H116 as function of strain rate, temperature and triaxiality2004/01/01English255
Effects of heat treatments on microstructure and properties of Ti-6Al-4V ELI alloy fabricated by electron beam melting (EBM)2017/02/01English254
Flow stress analysis of TWIP steel via the XRD measurement of dislocation density2010/04/01English254
Secondary ageing in an aluminium alloy 70502008/09/01English253
The effect of Ca and rare earth elements on the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of AZ91D2005/11/01English252
Electron beam melted Ti–6Al–4V: Microstructure, texture and mechanical behavior of the as-built and heat-treated material2016/01/01English251
Tailoring nanostructures and mechanical properties of AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high entropy alloy using thermo-mechanical processing2016/10/01English251
On the superior hot hardness and softening resistance of AlCoCrxFeMo0.5Ni high-entropy alloys2011/04/01English249
Mechanical properties of basalt fiber reinforced geopolymeric concrete under impact loading2009/04/01English249
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of porous sintered steels2005/01/01English249
Eutectic modification and microstructure development in Al–Si Alloys2005/12/01English249
In-situ residual stress reduction, martensitic decomposition and mechanical properties enhancement through high temperature powder bed pre-heating of Selective Laser Melted Ti6Al4V2017/05/01English249
Development of high performance magnesium nano-composites using nano-Al2O3 as reinforcement2005/02/01English248
Investigation of mechanical properties of Cu/SiC composite fabricated by FSP: Effect of SiC particles’ size and volume fraction2011/01/01English247
Crashworthiness design for functionally graded foam-filled thin-walled structures2010/03/01English247
Microstructure and tensile properties of bulk nanostructured aluminum/graphene composites prepared via cryomilling2015/02/01English246
The strengthening effect of inter-layer cold working and post-deposition heat treatment on the additively manufactured Al–6.3Cu alloy2016/01/01English246
Effect of microstructure on retained austenite stability and work hardening of TRIP steels2011/05/01English245
Effect of friction stir processing with SiC particles on microstructure and hardness of AZ312006/10/01English244
Fatigue behavior and failure mechanisms of direct laser deposited Ti–6Al–4V2016/02/01English244
Investigating aluminum alloy reinforced by graphene nanoflakes2014/08/01English244
Relationship between texture and low temperature superplasticity in an extruded AZ31 Mg alloy processed by ECAP2005/08/01English243
A self-consistent viscoplastic model: prediction of rolling textures of anisotropic polycrystals1994/02/01English242
Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded SAF 2507 super duplex stainless steel2005/04/01English240
The effect of intercritical heat treatment temperature on the tensile properties and work hardening behavior of ferrite–martensite dual phase steel sheets2009/08/01English240
Gradient nanostructure and residual stresses induced by Ultrasonic Nano-crystal Surface Modification in 304 austenitic stainless steel for high strength and high ductility2014/09/01English239