International Journal of Theoretical Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Mathematical Modeling Approach for Compact Objects: A New Metric Potential in the Spherically Symmetric System with Schwarzchild’s Coordinates2024/03/01English
String Fluid as a Source of Traversable Rainbow Wormholes2024/04/12English
A Scheme of Bidirectional Remote State Preparation of Four-Qubit States Using an Eight-Qubit Quantum Entangled Channel2024/04/02English
Entanglement Detection for Multipartite States Based on Structural Physical Approximation of Partial Transposition2024/04/01English
Using Eight Quantum Entangled States to Achieve Bidirectional Controlled Teleportation in a Noisy Environment2024/04/03English
Quantum Entanglement Partly Demystified2024/04/08English
Analysis of Optical Bi-wave Solutions in a Two-mode Model Arising from the Unstable Schrödinger Equation2024/04/08English
Non-Linear Resonances and Chaotic Dynamics of a Rotating Gyroscope Under a Fractional Order Derivative Damping2024/04/09English
$$A_4$$ Flavor Model for Deviation in $$\mu -\tau $$ Reflection Symmetry with Type-I+II Seesaw Extensions2023/12/18English
Quantum Secret Sharing with Identity Authentication Based on GHZ States Entanglement Swapping2023/12/15English
Heisenberg versus the Covariant String2024/01/04English
A Torsional Two-Component Description of the Motion of Dirac Particles at Early Stages of the Cosmic Evolution2023/11/23English
Bidirectional and Asymmetric Controlled Quantum Teleportation in the Three-dimensional System2023/11/23English
Sharing Genuine Entanglement of Generalized Tripartite States by Multiple Sequential Observers2024/01/18English
A Quantum Multi-proxy Blind Signature Scheme Based on D-dimensional GHZ States2023/12/14English
On Correlation Functions in the Coordinate and the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz2023/12/12English
Multi-type-output Assisted Cloning of Unknown Single-qubit States2024/01/05English
Fermionic Operatorial Model of a System with Competitive and Cooperative Interactions2023/11/09English
The Importance of The Difference in Adiabatic Phases in Non-Cyclic Evolution on Various Time Scales2023/11/09English
Approximate Solution of GCF PDM Schrödinger Equation for a Symmetrical Modified Pöschl–Teller Potential by GCF Laplace Transform Method2023/10/13English
Holographic Conductivity from Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton Theory in Gauss-Bonnet Gravity and Entropy Function2023/10/23English
Significance of Controller Independent Bell state-based communication protocol2023/10/23English
General Relativistic Fall on a Thick-Plate2023/10/10English
Algebraic Realizations of the Solutions for Three Quantum Mechanical Systems2023/11/18English
Attraction Versus Repulsion Between Doublons or Holons in Mott-Hubbard Systems2023/11/07English
Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau Oscillator with Spin Non-Commutativity2023/10/09English
The Future Muon Collider for the Study of the $$Z'$$ Boson of the $$U(1)_{B-L}$$ Model2023/10/11English
Deutsch’s “Quantum Theory as a Universal Physical Theory”2023/10/07English
On the Propagation of Gravitational Waves in Matter-Filled Bianchi I Universe2023/10/07English
A Deterministic Bidirectional Quantum Controlled Teleportation via a Non-Maximally Entangled Five-Qubit Channel State2024/03/26English