
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Meta-Ethical Agnosticism in Legal Theory: Mapping a Way Out2010/12/01English2
The practice-based objection to the ‘standard picture’ of how law works2019/08/15English2
Opening the Pandora’s Box: Kelsen and the Communist theory of law2020/07/02English2
Would many people obey non-coercive law?2017/11/20English2
The Eudaemonist Ethics of Hugo Grotius (1583–1645): Pre-Modern Moral Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century?2015/09/21English2
The masses and the elites: political philosophy for the age of Brexit, Trump and Netanyahu2017/01/02English2
Health Care as a Human Right: The Problem of Indeterminate Content2015/05/01English2
The Kantian Core of Law as Integrity2015/05/01English2
Constitutional proportionality and moral deontology2021/07/14English2
Freedom, Coercion, Necessary Goods and the Rule of Law2011/06/01English2
On the Cogency of Human Rights2011/06/01English2
Morality and the Making of Law: Four Questions2010/12/01English2
Reply to Flikschuh and Pavlakos2010/12/01English2
Law as Idea, Ideal and Duty2010/12/01English2
Hart on Legality, Justice and Morality2010/12/01English2
The Conceptual Priority of Injustice2014/12/31English2
Deliberation, Responsibility, and Excusing Mistakes of Law2015/05/01English2
Self-Ownership, Liberal Neutrality and the Realm of Freedom: New Reflections on the Justification of Basic Income2013/11/20English2
Austerity and Stability in Rousseau's Constitutionalism2013/11/20English2
Parliamentary Sovereignty and the Ingenuity of the Human Rights Act2012/06/01English2
Dworkin on Human Rights2015/05/04English2
What Conscience Can Do for Equity2012/06/01English2
Ours is a Broad Church: Indirectly Evaluative Legal Philosophy as a Facet of Jurisprudential Inquiry2015/05/04English2
Intellectual property and practical reason2017/11/23English2
Conflicts on the Threshold of Democratic Orders: A Critical Encounter with Mouffe’s Theory of Agonistic Politics2017/09/02English2
Plato’s legal positivism in the Laws2017/01/16English2
The Why-Question Methodology, The Guise of the Good and Legal Normativity2016/11/01English2
Reply: relations of right and private wrongs2018/04/13English2
What is in a word? The Legal Order and the turn from ‘norms’ to ‘institutions’ in legal thought2020/01/02English2