Legal risk, legal evidence and the arithmetic of criminal justice | 2017/09/25 | English | 26 |
Beyond open and closed borders: the grand transformation of citizenship | 2020/01/02 | English | 13 |
Legitimate actors of international law-making: towards a theory of international democratic representation | 2018/03/26 | English | 12 |
Why and How Should We Represent Future Generations in Policymaking? | 2015/09/02 | English | 12 |
Law's Entities: Complexity, Plasticity and Justice | 2013/06/21 | English | 12 |
Ritual male circumcision and parental authority | 2017/07/03 | English | 9 |
The Dilemma of Authority | 2011/06/01 | English | 9 |
Future Generations in Democracy: Representation or Consideration? | 2015/09/02 | English | 9 |
Legal Responsibility and Scalar Causation | 2013/06/21 | English | 9 |
Why the rule of law matters | 2017/07/20 | English | 9 |
Authority, Accountability, and Preemption | 2011/06/01 | English | 7 |
Jeremy Bentham and HLA Hart's ‘Utilitarian Tradition in Jurisprudence’ | 2010/12/01 | English | 7 |
Natural Law Beyond Finnis | 2011/12/01 | English | 6 |
What’s left of general jurisprudence? On law’s ontology and content | 2018/11/15 | English | 6 |
Raz'sThe Morality of Freedom: Two Models of Authority | 2010/06/01 | English | 6 |
The Jurisprudence Annual Lecture 2016 – Mutual Recognition | 2016/05/03 | English | 6 |
The rule of law: beyond contestedness | 2017/07/05 | English | 6 |
The virtue of judicial humility | 2017/11/07 | English | 5 |
Virtue as the end of law: an aretaic theory of legislation | 2018/01/02 | English | 5 |
The Authorisation of Coercive Enforcement Mechanisms as a Conceptually Necessary Feature of Law | 2016/09/01 | English | 5 |
Projectivism and the Metaethical Foundations of the Normativity of Law | 2015/08/25 | English | 5 |
Odious Debts: A Moral Account | 2015/08/25 | English | 5 |
Justice, Non-Human Animals, and the Methodology of Political Philosophy | 2016/01/02 | English | 5 |
Legal positivism, conventionalism, and the normativity of law | 2017/12/19 | English | 5 |
Primitive Law | 2013/11/20 | English | 5 |
Subordination, Silencing, and Two Ideas of Illocution | 2011/12/01 | English | 5 |
Can the law help us to be moral? | 2017/09/25 | English | 5 |
Why Jurisprudence Is Not Legal Philosophy | 2014/07/08 | English | 5 |
Conventions Revisited: A Reply to Critics | 2011/12/01 | English | 4 |
Is legal certainty a formal value? | 2020/07/02 | English | 4 |