Physical Review B

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Mimicking localized surface plasmons with dielectric particles2015/12/28English
Quantum decay of the supercurrent and intrinsic capacitance of Josephson junctions beyond the tunnel limit2015/12/28English
Hall effect, edge states, and Haldane exclusion statistics in two-dimensional space2015/12/28English
Phase diagram in exchange-coupled CoTb/[Co/Pt] multilayer-based magnetic tunnel junctions2015/12/28English
Self-energy effects in functional renormalization group flows of the two-dimensionalt−t′Hubbard model away from van Hove filling2015/12/28English
Logarithmic velocity profile of quantum turbulence of superfluidHe42015/12/28English
Spin-dependent optimized effective potential formalism for open and closed systems2015/12/28English
Shapiro steps for skyrmion motion on a washboard potential with longitudinal and transverse ac drives2015/12/28English
Vector optical activity in the Weyl semimetal TaAs2015/12/28English
Analysis of the exciton–LO-phonon coupling in single wurtzite GaN quantum dots2015/12/28English
Fragile surface zero-energy flat bands in three-dimensional chiral superconductors2015/12/28English
Dynamical process of skyrmion-helical magnetic transformation of the chiral-lattice magnet FeGe probed by small-angle resonant soft x-ray scattering2015/12/28English
Phonon coupling to dynamic short-range polar order in a relaxor ferroelectric near the morphotropic phase boundary2015/12/28English
Finite-size effects in Luther-Emery phases of Holstein and Hubbard models2015/12/28English
Interacting weak topological insulators and their transition to Dirac semimetal phases2015/12/28English
Anomalous polarization conversion in arrays of ultrathin ferromagnetic nanowires2015/12/28English
Truncating an exact matrix product state for the XY model: Transfer matrix and its renormalization2015/12/28English
Influence of epitaxial strain on clustering of iron inPb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3thin films2015/12/28English
Inhomogeneous nuclear spin polarization induced by helicity-modulated optical excitation of fluorine-bound electron spins in ZnSe2015/12/28English
Local probing of nuclear bath polarization with a single electronic spin2015/12/28English
Spin-mediated dissipation and frequency shifts of a cantilever at milliKelvin temperatures2015/12/28English
Many-body localization transition in Rokhsar-Kivelson-type wave functions2015/12/23English
Erratum: Asymmetric resonant exchange qubit under the influence of electrical noise [Phys. Rev. B91, 235411 (2015)]2015/12/29English
Interfacial exchange-coupling induced chiral symmetry breaking of spin-orbit effects2015/12/29English
Minimum reflection channel in amplifying random media2015/12/29English
Dynamical structure factors and excitation modes of the bilayer Heisenberg model2015/12/29English
Boundary conditions for transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers in the continuum model2015/12/29English
Frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the honeycomb lattice: Spin gap and low-energy parameters2015/12/28English
Spin diffusion in disordered organic semiconductors2015/12/29English
Contrasting influence of charged impurities on transport and gain in terahertz quantum cascade lasers2015/12/29English