Title Publication Date Language Citations
Solutions for the ICRP Gastrointestinal Activity from Inhaled Radioactive Aerosols1983/04/01
Influence of container shape, partitions, frequency, distance, and height level on the maximum acceptable amount of liquid carried by males1982/11/01
A Comparison of Two Dustiness Evaluation Methods1992/07/01
The Influence of the Helmet Respirator on Peak Flow Rate in Aluminum Potroom1991/06/01
Managing Workplace Exposure Information1993/01/01
Determination of critical anthropometric parameters for design of respirators1982/12/01
Cause and Control: Education and Training of Professional Industrial Hygienists for 20201992/06/01
A Proposed Model for Converging Flow Junction Pressure Calculations1992/09/01
Morphological studies of cardroom cotton dust1982/07/01
Comparison of Earphone and Sound Field Methods for Estimating Noise Attenuation of Foam Earplugs1993/06/01
Determining the Service Lives of Organic-Vapor Respirator Cartridges for Nitroglycerin under Workplace Conditions1993/08/01
Predicting Solvent Concentrations from coating the Inside of Bulk Storage Tanks1993/01/01
Physiologic Effects of a Self-Contained Self-Rescuer1983/05/01
Preliminary Study of Mycoflora and Mycotoxins in Grain Dust from New Orleans Area Grain Elevators1983/07/01
Emergency Respiratory Protection with Common Materials1983/01/01
The Development of Cleanup Criteria for an Acutely Toxic Pesticide at a Contaminated Industrial Facility1992/05/01
Use of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Models to Establish Biological Exposure Indexes1992/06/01
Hand Skin Temperature Variations for Work in Moderately Cold Environments and the Effectiveness of Periodic Rewarming1995/06/01
Pulmonary Retention of of Ceramic Fibers in Silicon Carbide (SiC) Workers1995/05/01
Development of an ISO 9000 Compatible Occupational Health Standard: Defining the Issues1995/06/01
Occupational Exposure to Low Frequency Magnetic Fields in Health Care Facilities1995/07/01
Environmental Study of Poultry Confinement Buildings1984/11/01
Laboratory Attenuation of Earmuffs and Earplugs Both Singly and in Combination1983/05/01
Coulometric Method for the Quantification of Low-Level Concentrations of Hydrazine and Monomethylhydrazine1993/06/01
Blood as a matrix for biological monitoring1982/04/01
Aerosol Rebreathing Method for Assessment of Airway Abnormalities: Theoretical Analysis and Validation1983/05/01
Inter-rater Agreement in the Assessment of Solvent Exposure at a Car Assembly Plant1993/07/01
Effects of cigarette smoking on pulmonary function in asymptomatic asbestos workers with normal chest radiograms1982/06/01
Use of a fluorescent cotton dust tracer for an engineering analysis of early stages in cotton textile manufacturing1982/07/01
A Tube Diffusion Dosimeter for Sulfur Dioxide1983/09/01