Physical Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of a Bose System of Hard Spheres and Its Low-Temperature Properties1957/06/15English31
Statistical Theory of Equations of State and Phase Transitions. II. Lattice Gas and Ising Model1952/08/01English31
Transport Coefficients from Dissipation in a Canonical Ensemble1960/07/01English31
Theory of the Contribution of Excitons to the Complex Dielectric Constant of Crystals1958/12/01English31
Electron-Hole Recombination in Germanium1952/07/15English30
Application of the Morse Potential Function to Cubic Metals1959/05/01English30
Optical Absorption and Photoconductivity in the Band Edge ofβ−Ga2O31965/10/04English30
The Energy Levels of a Rotating Vibrator1932/09/15English30
Space Quantization in a Gyrating Magnetic Field1937/04/15English29
New Magnetic Anisotropy1956/06/01English29
New Approach to the Theory of Superexchange Interactions1959/07/01English28
Theory of Sputtering. I. Sputtering Yield of Amorphous and Polycrystalline Targets1969/08/10English28
Plasma Losses by Fast Electrons in Thin Films1957/06/01English28
Quantized Space-Time1947/01/01English28
Nonlinear Dielectric Polarization in Optical Media1962/06/15English27
Thermal Conductivity of Silicon and Germanium from 3°K to the Melting Point1964/05/18English27
Indirect Exchange Coupling of Nuclear Magnetic Moments by Conduction Electrons1954/10/01English27
Self-Consistent-Field Wave Functions for Hole States of Some Ne-Like and Ar-Like Ions1965/08/02English26
The Uncertainty Principle1929/07/01English26
Global Structure of the Kerr Family of Gravitational Fields1968/10/25English26
On the Dirac Theory of Spin 1/2 Particles and Its Non-Relativistic Limit1950/04/01English25
Demagnetizing Factors of the General Ellipsoid1945/06/01English25
The Stark Effect from the Point of View of Schroedinger's Quantum Theory1926/10/01English25
The Effect of Space Charge and Residual Gases on Thermionic Currents in High Vacuum1913/12/01English25
Atomic Shielding Constants1930/07/01English25
Photoionization from Outer Atomic Subshells. A Model Study1962/10/15English24
The Theory of Complex Spectra1929/11/15English24
Coherent Averaging Effects in Magnetic Resonance1968/11/10English24
On the Interaction of Electrons in Metals1934/12/01English24
On the Transformation of light into Heat in Solids. I1931/01/01English24